Redbull in India - SWOT analysis. The Indian Energy Drink Market is estimated to be 100 crores. Red Bull is currently the market leader in that segment. The company has a very good success story in the western countries behind it.

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Submitted to: Prof. Avinash G Mulky

Report by:

Chandraprakash. V (0911228)

Karthigeya Prabhu. R (0911242)

Navin M (0911256)

Shashank More (0911270)

Vivek (0911285)





Tagline: “It gives you wings”

Red Bull is an energy drink. It is the flagship product of an Austrian Company, Red Bull GmbH. It is a pioneer in Energy Drink brands worldwide. It was found in 1984 and entered the Indian markets as recently as 2003. It pioneered the Energy Drink category in India.

  1. SWOT Analysis

  1. 1.1.1. Strengths

The Indian Energy Drink Market is estimated to be 100 crores. Red Bull is currently the market leader in that segment. The company has a very good success story in the western countries behind it.

  1. 1.1.2. Weaknesses

  1. Cost

Red Bull in India is priced at Rs. 75/- for a 250 ml can. This is more expensive than most drinks even alcoholic. A 700ml bottle of Kingfisher beer costs Rs. 65/-

  1. Taste

The taste of Red Bull is not conventional. It is similar to that of a cough syrup.

  1. Variety

The company is new in India and has just one product. There is no diversification being done.

  1. Patent

The recipe of red bull energy drink is not patented. Any other company can copy it.

  1. 1.1.3. Opportunities

The drinks market for other category is saturated and the market for energy drinks is still untapped. It is an opportunity for Red Bull to look into different markets.

  1. 1.1.4. Threats

  1. Social environment

Red Bull does not support healthy lifestyle. It is high on fat and caffeine content. People might not accept it. Also it is quite difficult for people to consider it to be non alcoholic.

  1. Political environment

Similar to movements in USA, it is possible that it has to prove its non-alcoholic nature in India also in return of some organization filing a litigation.

Fig 1.1. SWOT Analysis

  1. Customer Analysis

2.1. Needs

Stated Needs

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The primary stated need that Red Bull is looking to cater to is that of providing energy to consumers when they are out of it.

Unstated Needs

The consumer is also trying to ensure that whatever product he buys is safe and healthy. Thus, the makers of Red Bull should clearly indicate that there is no undesired side-effect or impact on health caused on drinking Red Bull.

Real Needs

When customers are involved in activity and seem to run out of energy to complete it in the face of an impending deadline, they are looking for a ...

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