Research Proposal - Awareness of Going Green among MMU students

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TRIMESTER 3 2011/2012

NAME            _         ID NUMBER     _        MAJOR      _                        SECTION

Chedza A Ngwigwa        1071119664                Analytical Economics                BC271

Lesego Leshona        1071117576                Analytical Economics                BC271

Ali Akbar                1061100404                Finance with Multimedia        BC271

Misirbek A Uulu        

Anees Ismail Kunju        1101109082                Finance with multimedia        BC271

Nik Michael Imran


Factors affecting activities of going Green among MMU students



1.1        Background of the Study

With the current climate change we are facing, Go Green is very important. The term “going green” is basically doing things little by little to help the environment around us. This could be by buying eco-friendly products or just by using the 3R slogan; Reuse, Recycle and Reduce. The reason for “going green” is mainly to reduce global warming, be energy efficient and to also reduce the amount of trash as to not poison wildlife. In MMU there have been a few rallies and projects designed to increase awareness of “going green” to students as well as the whole Cyberjaya community as a whole.

The effects of being aware of “going green” amongst MMU students are quite numerous. One of them being that it simply makes the school environment cleaner and more organized. It makes the students more conscious of their environment and also makes them educate other people around them to be friendly to their environment. The little that can be done here can contribute to saving the planet.

MMU students have however been doing numerous things to get the idea of “going green” out there. First of all, there has been a Boycott of Coca Cola. This was to increase awareness of the effects of Coca Cola to our environment as well as our bodies as Coca Cola has been involved in a lot of environmental controversies and also the Coca Cola can is not eco-friendly. One other awareness campaign is the Race for Green (2011) which was a campaign to raise funds for the Green research project while promoting collegiality among private and public universities in driving Green awareness to the future leaders which are students. Other campaigns where ones like the one to try to remove polystyrene containers around the campus as a way of raising awareness.

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Therefore this research will be done to understand the numerous ways of “going green” and the different ways that students can exercise being green. It is also to see how much students really know about being green, and ways to raise awareness about it.

1.2 Problem Statement

A lot of student might notice that it’s become easier and easier to burn under the sun with shorter exposure time. Human activities add greater amount of emissions into the atmosphere, the gases compromise the protective cover; the ozone layer, resulting in increased exposure.

When students ...

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