Risk Management Case Study




Incidentals of Authorization and Submittal


This study of risk management recommendations of Turk Eximbank is submitted to Mr. H. Ahmet KILIÇOGLU, General Manager of Turk Eximbank, on Aprıl 30, 2001.As authorized on February 20, 2001, the investigation was conducted under the direction of Barış Samana and GÜrkan Kocgar.



Objective of Risk Management Recommendations


The objective of the study was to define why risk management was needed in Turk Eximbank and how to adjust the risk management system at the bank. The plan for achieving this objective involved first determining the techniques used for risk measurements. This information will then be used for Turk Eximbank’s risk evaluation process.



Use of  Techniques for Risk Measurement


The methodology used in this investigation was an obsevational study of defining the risk measurement techniques and then applying them to Turk Eximbak’s risk evaluation process, if necessary.


Investigations have been made at the Bilkent University Library and Internet, also we have interwieved with the risk analysts of Turk Eximbank.








In recent years, a number of programs aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of supervisory process for banks. Although effective risk management has always been central to safe and sound banking activities, it has become even more important as new technologies, product innovation, and the size and speed of financial transactions have changed the nature of banking markets. In response to these changing market realities, certain supervisory risk management processes have been refined, while others - in particular, those that have proven most successful in supervising banks under a variety of economic circumstances and industry conditions - have been retained. The objective of a risk-focused examination is to effectively evaluate the safety and soundness of the bank, including the assessment of its risk management systems, financial condition, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations, while focusing resources on the bank’s highest risks. The exercise of examiner judgment to determine the scope of the examination during the planning process is crucial to the implementation of the risk-focused supervision framework, which provides obvious benefits such as higher quality examinations, increased efficiency, and reduced on-site examiner time.






The risk-focused supervision process for banks involves a continuous assessment of the bank. The understanding of the bank developed through this assessment enables examiners to tailor the examination of the bank to its risk profile. Understanding the bank begins with a review of available information on the bank. In addition to examination reports and correspondence files, each bank maintains various surveillance reports that identify outliers when a bank is compared to its peer group. The review of this information assists examiners in identifying both the strengths and vulnerabilities of the bank and provides a foundation from which to determine the examination activities to be conducted.


Contact with the organization is encouraged to improve the understanding of the institution and the market in which it operates. A pre-examination interview or visit should be conducted as a part of each examination. Such a meeting gives examiners the opportunity to learn about any changes to bank management, bank policies, strategic direction, management information systems, and other activities. Particular emphasis should be placed on learning about new products or markets into which the bank has entered. The interview or visit also provides examiner's with management’s view of local economic conditions, an understanding of the bank’s regulatory compliance practices, its management information systems, and its internal/external audit function. In addition, banks should contact the state-banking regulator to determine whether they have any special areas of concern that should be focused on during the examination.






Internal audit, loan review, and compliance functions are integral to a bank's own assessment of its risk profile. If applicable, it may be beneficial to discuss with the bank's external auditor the results of the most recent audit it has completed for the bank. Such a discussion gives the examiner the opportunity to review the external auditor’s frequency, scope and reliance on internal audit findings. Examiners should consider the adequacy of these functions in determining the risk profile of the bank and the opportunities to reduce regulatory burden by testing rather than duplicating the work of these audit functions. Transaction testing remains a reliable and essential examination technique for use in the assessment of an institution’s condition. The amount of transaction testing necessary to evaluate particular activities generally depends on the quality of the bank's process to identify, measure, monitor, and control the activity's risk. Once the integrity of the management system is verified through testing, conclusions on the extent of risks within the activity can be based on internal management assessments of the risks rather than on the results of more extensive transaction testing by examiners. If, however, initial inquiries into the risk management system, or efforts to verify the integrity of the system, raise material doubts as to the system's effectiveness, then no significant reliance should be placed on the system and a more extensive series of tests should be undertaken to ensure that the bank's exposure to risk from a particular activity can be accurately evaluated.






The scope memorandum is an integral product in the risk-focused methodology as the memorandum identifies the central objectives of the on-site examination. The scope memorandum also ensures that the examination strategy is communicated to appropriate examination staff. A sample scope memorandum is presented in Appendix - A. This document is of key importance, as the scope will likely vary from examination to examination. Examination procedures should be tailored to the characteristics of each bank, keeping in mind its size, complexity, and risk profile. Procedures should be completed to the degree necessary to determine whether the bank’s management understands and adequately controls the levels and types of risk that are assumed. In addition, the memorandum should address the banking environment, economic conditions, and any changes that bank management fore sees that could affect the bank’s condition. A preliminary estimate of staffing required to perform the examination should also be prepared as part of the scope memorandum.




The key factors that should be addressed in the scope memorandum include:


Preliminary Risk Assessment


The risks associated with the bank's activities should be summarized and based on a review of all available sources of information on the bank, including but not limited to, prior examination reports, surveillance reports, correspondence files, and audit reports. The scope memorandum should include a preliminary assessment of the bank's condition and major risk areas that will be evaluated through the examination process.


Summary of the Pre-Examination Meeting


The results of the pre-examination meeting should be summarized with particular emphasis on the meeting results that affect examination coverage.


Summary of Audit and Internal Control Environment


A summary of the scope and adequacy of the audit environment should be prepared which may result in a modification of examination procedures initially expected to be performed. Activities that receive sufficient coverage by the bank's audit system can be tested through the examination process. Sufficient audit coverage could result in the elimination of certain procedures if the audit and internal control areas are deemed satisfactory.


Summary of Examination Procedures


Examination modules have been developed related to the significant areas reviewed during an examination. The modules are categorized as being primary or supplemental. The primary modules must be included in each examination. However, procedures within the primary modules can be eliminated or enhanced based on the risk assessment or the adequacy of the audit and internal control environment. The scope memorandum should specifically detail the areas within each module to be emphasized during the examination process. In addition, the use of any supplemental modules should be discussed.


Summary of Loan Review


Based on the preliminary risk assessment, the anticipated loan coverage should be detailed in the scope memorandum. In addition to stating the percent of commercial and commercial real estate loans to be reviewed, the scope memorandum should also identify which speciality loan references to the general loan module are to be completed. The memorandum should specify activities within the general loan module to be reviewed, as well as the depth of any speciality reviews.




Job Staffing


The staffing for the examination should be detailed. Particular emphasis should be placed on ensuring appropriate personnel are assigned to the high risk areas identified in the bank’s risk assessment.







The state-banking regulator has jointly developed bank examination modules. This automated format was designed to define common objectives for the review of important activities within the bank and to assist in the documentation of examination work. It is expected that full-scope examinations will include examiners’ evaluation of six critical areas that are necessary to determine the bank’s CAMELS rating. To evaluate these areas, examiners must perform procedures tailored to fit the risk profile of the bank. The seven primary examination modules are:


  • Capital Adequacy
  • Earnings Analysis
  • Loan Portfolio Management
  • Liquidity Analysis
  • Management and Internal Control Evaluation
  • Securities Analysis
  • Other Assets and Liabilities


There are six supplemental modules that are available for use if any of these activities present significant risk to the bank. The supplemental modules are:


  • Electronic Funds Transfer Risk Assessment
  • International Banking
  • Credit Card Merchant Processing
  • Mortgage Banking
  • Electronic Banking
  • Related Organizations


In addition, there are ten Loan References (for specialized lending areas) included in the general Loan Portfolio Management module. The loan reference modules are:


  • Construction and Land Development
  • Commercial and Industrial Real Estate
  • Residential Real Estate Lending
  • Commercial and Industrial Loans
  • Agricultural Lending
  • Direct Lease Financing
  • Floor Plan Loans
  • Troubled Debt Restructuring
  • Consumer and Check Credit
  • Credit Card Activities
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The modules establish a three-tiered approach for the review of a bank’s activities.The first tier is the core analysis, the second tier is the expanded review, and the final tier is the impact analysis. The core analysis includes a number of decision factors, which should be considered collectively, as well as individually when evaluating the potential risk to the bank. To assist the examiner in determining whether risks are adequately managed, the core analysis section contains a list of procedures that may be considered for implementation. Once the relevant procedures are performed, the examiner should document conclusions in ...

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