Table of Contents



















I.0        Introduction

The theatrical termination of Arthur Andersen came as a great shock when it was once of the most famous accounting firm in the world. For changing its strategy, Andersen moved from being one of the largest professional service organisations in the world to almost complete collapse within a few years. There were significant impact of the firm’s failure on its employees, customers, investors and the general public is hard to overstate on its organisational architecture. This report will discuss the environmental and strategic changes that occurred over the life of Andersen in 1990s and early 2000s. It will also discuss and explain the managing partner would do differently to the actual management by using organisation architecture framework to in early 1990s.

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2.0        Environmental and Strategic changes

2.1        Business Environment change

2.1.1        Regulation change

In order to limit the consulting work at accounting firms the SEC proposed new regulations in 2000s. The SEC proposal was named "fatally flawed" before the Senate Banking Committee in July 2000. The argument about the proposal was being made to provide more active role in making needed changes in the measurement and reporting system to give better information for decision-making by corporations, investors and government. However, the SEC proposal was defeated by the "Big Five" accounting firms.

2.1.2        Market changes

The market changes for Arthur Anderson (AA) both occurred ...

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