Summary of "'Global Economic Governance after the Crisis: The G2, the G20, and Global Imbalances.' Bank of Korea Working Paper, 2011

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Walter, Andrew. 'Global Economic Governance after the Crisis: The G2, the G20, and Global Imbalances.' Bank of Korea Working Paper, 2011

Main Argument

Walter starts off by introducing the three views in how people are predicting the global economic system will change. In that the system will involve either, greater representation, less representation, or a mixed representation. In addition Walter details the conflict between the US and China, both in an effort to shift the burden of adjustment onto the other.


Differing viewpoints on the future of the Global Economic System . Walter looks at several views on what kind of system that will be emerging at the end of this first decade.

View 1: the global crisis delivered a “knockout” blow to an already weak system, and that instead of the G7 the G20 would be able to manage the government better

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View 2: rather than have a G7, it assumes we are moving toward a G2, being China and the US. Some project China to be a hegemon in the making which will one day over-power the US

View 3: As Hank Paulson argues, “the strength of the relationship between the US and China will be critical to the functioning of the G20 and global cooperation” (Walter)

China and the US and the burden of adjustment

Brief History. Post WWI the UK and Germany were in debt, while the US and France were in surplus. Keynes, being the ...

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