Teams. In this essay I will attempt to evaluate the following statement, successful projects need successful teams.

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Investigating the effectiveness of team working on projects

The purpose of teams in organisations

In this essay I will attempt to evaluate the following statement, “successful projects need successful teams”. So what is a team? In the dictionary, the description of a team is ‘a number of persons associated in some joint action.’ Teams or groups, as they are sometimes referred to, exist in every company and large organisations. Teams consist of a combination of people committed to mutual goals. The purpose of teams is to work together to accomplish specific goals and objectives. (Katzenbach and Smith  defined a team as a ‘small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and common approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable’. 

The main reason why teams are made is because together they have the ability to accomplish much more through the use of knowledge and skill sharing than work done by individuals. Teams are used by organisations for many different reasons. They are used so that tasks are distributed among people with different skills and talents, for information and idea collection, for problem solving and decision-taking and for the management and control of work. There are many other functions but not all will be combined together when working on a task.

Research has shown that the arrangement and management of a team determines how a team behaves to these functions. In other words, a team can not be effective if many functions are performed simultaneously. Instead, each team needs to be organised and managed to be most effective for the function intended. It is also important to mention that individuals in a team have their own purposes. Individuals use teams to satisfy their social needs, to establish a self concept, gain help and support as well as providing ideas and help to the others. However, some of the social functions of work groups arising from individual needs, often conflicts with the productive functions.

Building teams that work

Many studies and experiments have been conducted in the past to find out what makes individuals bond closely in a team. There are many reports formed over the results of these studies and the findings are closely examined and implemented by many companies to improve their team’s affectivity and productivity. From these studies, an important finding was that like in most cases, job satisfaction is found to influence the quality of work done by individuals and their contributions to the team. ‘competence motivation’(Handy, Charles B (1993) is the term used when individuals are found to be motivated when they value their team and work they are doing and when they are proud of the team they represent. Individuals will be most committed to their team when the task is of high importance to them and will therefore have less interest in their own objectives.  

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Studies have also shown that working in teams is more effective for completing complex projects than it is if it was to be done by individuals. In general, teams work well in problem solving tasks as they can produce better evaluated and more thought through ideas than individuals. Teams tend to share responsibility for decisions and therefore are found to be more adventurous and take more risks. This sometimes pays off when for example, a team may do things that might not follow common procedures but will produce the same outcome, with less time and money having been spent. ...

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