This report defines the value of teamwork from the project management perspective, focusing mostly onto events as projects.

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CATE1149: Conference/Exhibitions/Corp Ev

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Individual Reflective Report

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KB Malik

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000725334                  Smaranda Alecu 

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Executive Summary        

I: Introduction        

II. Project Management Perspectives        

III. The Stages of Team Development        

IV. Teamwork and Effectiveness         

V. Personal Reflection        



Executive Summary

This report defines the value of teamwork from the project management perspective, focusing mostly onto events as projects. Therefore, it suggests the link between teamwork strategies/approaches and effectiveness within the events management industry. It also illustrates the empirical elements of the concepts by exemplifying using personal experience and reflections, followed by suggestions for improvement.

Chapter one presents different definitions of teamwork, compares and contrasts them, in order to highlight the interpretable character of the concept. Also, it presents the importance of teamwork and

Chapter two analysis the project management perspectives and the overall management approach taken by the group.

Chapter two introduces some of the most well-known elements and strategies of effective team work such as key team roles, role balance and co-operation. it highlights the most significant characteristics of effectiveness and how these can be meet with insights into personal experience.

Chapter three describes the actual working and results of the activity and the barriers encountered by organisers during the planning process. A reflection on personal and overall learning experience follows as well as recommendations on how the obstacles could have been exceeded.

I: Introduction

Human beings have worked in teams for 200,000 years. From childhood games and sports, to organisations and institutions, teamwork has been proven to be indispensable and utterly important, with a direct impact on the success of any organisation. Particularly, in the past 200 years there has been developed a complex understanding of the teamwork principles in practice, with new perspectives that reveal its complexity. Guidance on how teamwork can be effectively developed in modern organisations has been offered by different authors, whoms suggestions will be further discussed in the next chapters, followed by a reflective insight in the authors personal experience. Interestingly enough, it seems reflection represents the most comprehensive tool for learning and self-development.

Issues such as conflict resolution, trust and cooperation, task conflict, problem solving, the cognition of the team, team processes such as decision making, the distribution of effort and reward, team learning, creativity and innovation, the use and abuse of power, will be raised and discussed as well as an overall assessment of the team and individual performance, starting from an objective level to a more subjective one.

I.1. Defining a team

A team is a group of people who share common objectives and need to work together to achieve them(Woodcock, 1989:3). According to Hackman(1990:4), the group members are dependent upon one another for some shared purpose, and they invariably develop specialised roles within the group as the purpose is pursued. Management teams provide the leadership of organisations by planning operations and adopting strategies, allocating resources, and managing different functions. They set detailed objectives, co-ordinate and control the work of others.

However, teams are primarily formed to accomplish more than they(the members) could alone, creating a synergy and leading to an accomplishment greater than the sum of its individual members(Woodcock, 1989:8). Yet frequently groups of people are seen to achieve less than could have been accomplished by the individual members working alone(Woodcock, 1989:8). Therefore, the existence and success of any team depends upon the way in which the team members playtogether (Woodcock, 1898:8).

I.2. Introducing the Team

The project team has been named Vision Corp Industries as a result of a team brainstorming session on what would be an appropriate professional name that would define our goals, vision and mission as well as the sector we activate in. The team members are Hannah, Louis, Habiba, Katie, Angel and Smaranda.

II. Project Management Perspectives

According to Bladen et al. (2012), the overall perspective should be carefully considered when attempting to manage a project. Kolltveit et al. (2007) has discussed six major project management perspectives, as follows:

The task perspective focusses on realistic and tangible matters such as time, budget and limited resources.

The leadership perspective depends upon leadership and communication styles, decision-making and team characteristics, clear allocation of functions and responsibilities of the team members and considerations of review and feedback.

The stakeholder perspective focusses on the identification of the stakeholders, their needs and requirements. Therefore is heavily used in the events management industry(Bladen et al., 2012:27).

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The transaction-cost perspective focusses on the governance of the project and the structure of the costs, with reliance upon innovation and contracts.

The system perspective views a project as an overall holistic system, and not as individual, functional components. This approach is common with technological innovations and business start-ups.

The business-by-project perspective refers to individual investments and relies upon portfolio management and investment methods.

Kolltveit et al. (2007) has found in his research that, generally, in the project management field the most adopted perspectives are the task and leadership perspective. However, Bladen et al. (2012) suggests ...

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