Threats to online Trading companies in APA style

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According to Luis and Camarinha-Matos (2004) threats to online trading companies are from the hackers who take advantage from carelessness of the people or companies using the online services for trading.

This report will be discussing the major threats to online trading companies and how these threats affect on businesses.

According to Anderson (1997) Information has been an essential criterion to business success in the global marketplace and most organizations understand the need to protect their information assets from damage and disclosure, whether accidental or malicious.

He further sated “However, a new business revolution is taking place: Electronic commerce. This new method of transacting business goes beyond simple information processing to re-define the relationship between a company and its customers, partners, suppliers, vendors, and competitors.” (Anderson, 1997)

Anderson (1997) says that the foundation of this new environment is technology. Several attributes of this technology have profound implications on electronic commerce, driving the re-definition of business. He also sated that “These attributes include global connection and access, technological complexity and change, time to market, and legal and regulatory requirements, and these same attributes play an important role as enablers of threats to the business’ information infrastructure.” (Anderson, 1997).

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He also described that “Information security has several components and attributes that must be considered when analyzing potential risk. Broadly, these fall into three categories: availability, confidentiality, and integrity. Threats in any of these categories can seriously disrupt business. The importance each plays in business operations (and therefore the level of potential disruption) varies from industry to industry and business to business. Most businesses can tolerate at least short disruptions in availability. Likewise, many businesses have large quantities of information that, if released to the public or competitors, would have little or no business impact. Because of these variations, it is important ...

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