To what extent is HRM different from conventional Personnel Management? Is it the same phenomenon in a different name and modern version?

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ESSAY  TITLE : To  what  extent  is  HRM  different  from  conventional  

                       Personnel  Management? Is  it  the  same

                       phenomenon  in  a  different  name  and  modern  


NAME            : Quincy  Pule

STUDENT  No. : 803p5227

SUBJECT          : Critical  Human  Resources  Management

LECTURER      : Mr. N. Jack

DEGREE           : B.A.(Hons.)-Industrial  Relations

DUE  DATE      : 25  August  2003


To  capture  the  theme  of  my  essay, I will first  distinguish  between  HRM  and  Personnel  Management. Thereafter  I  will  provide  a  general  overview  of  management, interrogate  the  four  dimensions  of  HRM, ie, inception, development, motivation  and  maintenance. It  is  also  my  intention  to  delve  into  the  peculiarities  of  personnel  management, which  has  at  some  stage  grown  both  as  an  academic  discipline  and  as  a  field  of  application  in  work  organizations. Whether  the  two  disciplines  are  similar  or  different, that  will  be  discussed  just  before  the  conclusion.


According  to  Pieters, M.A. (1996:4), Human  Resources  Management  can  be  defined  as  a  process  consisting  of  the  dimensions  of  :

(i) “inception (getting  individuals  into  the  organization)

(ii) development (preparing  employees  to  work  effectively  and  efficiently)

(iii) motivation (stimulating  employees  by  caring  for  their  needs)

(iv) maintenance (  keeping  employees  in  the  organization  by  providing  suitable  working  conditions)”.


Megginson, L.C. (1981:6)  defines  personnel  management  as  the “performance  of  all  managerial  functions  involved  in  planning  for, recruiting, selecting, developing, utilizing, rewarding, and  maximizing  the  potential  of  the  human  resources  of  an  organization”. The  implication  here  is  that  all  managers, at  all  levels, have  a  duty  to  perform  the  personnel  function.


Bateman, T.S. & Snell, S.A.(1999:6)  define  management  as “the  process  of  working  with  people  and  resources  to  accomplish  organizational  goals. Good  managers  do  these  things  both  effectively  and  efficiently. To  be  effective  is  to  achieve  organizational  goals. To  be  efficient  is  to  achieve  goals  with  minimum  waste  of  resources, that  is, to  make  the  best  possible  use  of  money, time, materials, and  people”. It  must  be  noted  that  some  managers  fail  on  both  criteria, or  get  fixated  with  one  of  the  two  at  the  expense  of  the  other. Those  who  are  good  at  managing, apply  both  criteria  successfully.

Management  has  four  functions : planning, organizing, leading  and  controlling.


According  to  Pretorius, L.A., Swanepoel, F.A., & Visser,G.M. (1999:7), “planning  is  aimed  at  achieving  a  goal  and  is  future-orientated. On  the  other  hand, planning  is  defined  by  Bateman & Snell (1999:7)  as  a “management  function  of  systematically  making  decisions  about  the  goals  and  activities  that  an  individual, a  group, a  work  unit, or  the  overall  organization  will  pursue  in  the  future”. One  cannot  help  but  note  that  an  objective  should  be  set  before  hand, and  it  is  a  basic  quality  of  planning. There  should  also  be  a  way  of  determining  the  resources  needed  to  achieve  the  organization’s  goals.

(ii) Organizing

According  to  Rue, L.W. & Byars, L.L.(1980, the  function  of  an  organization  is “the  grouping  of  activities  essential  to  attaining  common  objectives  and  the  assignment  of  each  grouping  to  a  manager  who  has  the  authority  necessary  to  supervise  the  people  performing  the  activities”. This  shows  that  through  organization  everybody  is  allocated  a  specific  directive, together  with  an  indication  of  what  exactly  is  expected  of  him. It  can  be  regarded  as  a  function  of  management  which  involves  the  allocating  of  responsibility  to  workers  under  appointed  managers, supervisors  and  production  workers, to  achieve  the  main  objectives  of  the  undertaking.

(iii) Leading

According  to  Hellriegel,D.& Slocum,J.W.(1993:11), leading “involves  communicating  with  and  motivating  others  to  perform  the  tasks  necessary  to  achieve  the  organization’s  objectives. And  leading  is  not  done  after  planning  and  organizing  end, it  is  crucial  to  those  functions, too”. This  shows  that  leaders  can  thus  tell  their  subordinates   what  to  do  and  also  influence  them  with  respect  to  the  manner  in  which  the  instructions  are  to  be  executed.

Bateman et al (1991:7)  see  leading  as  a  way  of  stimulating  people  to  be  high  performers. One  can  say  that  it  is  a  way  of  motivating  subordinates  to  set  and  achieve  their  goals, using  for  example, the  leader’s  reward  power.

(iv) Controlling

Hellriegel et al (1993:12)  define  controlling “as  the  process  by  which  a  person, group, or  organization  consciously  monitors  performance  and  takes  corrective  action”. On  the  other  hand, Bateman et al (1991:8)  define  controlling  as  a “management  function  of  monitoring  progress  and  making  needed  changes”. One  can  summarize  these  definitions  as  implying  that  controlling  has  to  with  the  integration  of  the  various  work  activities  with  the  whole, so  as  not  to  disrupt  each  other  and  to  minimize  duplication. Actual  outcomes  must  be  consistent  with  the  goals  of  the  organization.

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According  to  De Cenzo & Robbins (2002:2), inception  can  also  be  called “staffing”  in  that  it  is  a  way  of  getting  individuals  into  the  organization. This  dimension  entails  strategic  human  resource  planning, recruitment  and  selection. Hellriegel et al (1993:246)  defines


  1. Strategic  Planning 

 as  the  process  of  deciding  on  and  analyzing  the  organization’s  mission, overall  objectives, general  strategies, and  major  resource  allocations…The  overall  purpose  of  strategic  planning  and  management  is  to  deal  effectively  with  environmental  opportunities  and  threats  in  terms  of  the  organization’s  strengths  and  weaknesses”. The  major  elements ...

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