What Causes Inflation To Rise? Does It Matter?

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The term inflation is a well known for the effect it has on wages and

prices. It is a common perception that inflation is a negative aspect in the

economy, however, it is also necessary to remember that although inflation can be a destructive force it is also a requirement in any economy as zero inflation with normally represent zero or negative growth. To understand the effects of inflation and the costs that it might impose on individuals and the society as a whole it is first necessary to understand its causes.

Inflation is usually defined as a continuing or persistent tendency for general price level to rise so it could be said that in effect the rate of inflation measures the change in the purchasing power of money1. The important aspects of this definition are concepts continually and general as it refers to rise in the average price level over a period of time. Inflation is a monetary phenomenon where the price level and therefore the value of money that is changing, not the price of particular product and secondly it is an ongoing process, not a one off event.

Since inflation refers to changes in the average level of prices, measurement involves consideration of movements in an index referring to the average level of prices. There is a wide range of price indices which may be used for this purpose such as the retail prices index (RPI), index of wholesale prices, a set range of commodities, or a general increase in prices including interest rates or indeed any combination of price increases the government chooses to use in the measure of inflation. To measure the inflation the percentage change in the price level is calculated, the higher the percentage the higher the increase. When compiling the RPI certain items will always receive a heavier weighting than others as the cost of a luxury car rising by 50% is unlikely to effect many people yet the 25% increase in the cost of bread will influence the spending and budgets of many more. Once the RPI has been constructed, the rate of inflation is usually calculated for the twelve-monthly periods2. The RPI the headline inflation and RPI minus mortgage interest are further influenced by changes in indirect taxes and have a pivotal role in economy as a target for policy makers as basis for indexing tax allowances and in negotiating pay claims.

Inflation can be classified in at least two ways, with respect to speed and with respect to causation and is often seen as the result of any supply and demand economy. Supply and demand are major determinates in the prices for products and services. Where supply outstrips demands the prices will fall until the level or demand increases and the market reaches equilibrium. Conversely, where demand outstrips supply then the prices will increase until the market place reaches equilibrium. In reality the markets tend to remain in a state of continuous change, but it is this levelling out the price changes reflect. Therefore inflation can result from either an increase in aggregate demand or a decrease in aggregate supply and those two sources of impulses that can trigger inflation are termed as demand-pull and cost-push inflation.
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Demand-pull inflation arises from increasing aggregate demand and its main sources are increases in money supply, in government spending financed by borrowing from the banking system or increase in exports. When aggregate demand increases, real GDP and the price level rises; wages than begin to rise and short-run aggregate supply decreases, which raises the price level still further. If aggregate demand keeps increasing, the price level will continue to rise, wages will respond, aggregate demand will increase, and the price-wage inflation spiral ensues3.

The Keynesian demand-pull theory of inflation places the causes of inflation in the real ...

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