What factors contribute to make a successful leader and how might your style of leadership vary to be successful when involved in individual, racket and team activities?

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Unit 2: Enhancing Performance                Lucy Adler

        AS Level Physical Education

Task 1

What factors contribute to make a successful leader and how might your style of leadership vary to be successful when involved in individual, racket and team activities?

        Barrow (1977) described leadership as “the behavioural process influencing individuals and groups towards set goals.” This idea is supported by the description of leadership given in “Physical Education and the study of sport”. Which states that “leadership is the process by which a particular individual fulfils the expectations of a group or team and develops an environment in which the group is motivated, rewarded and help to achieve its goals.”  Who are the best leaders forms a controversial issue, with answers ranging from Hitler to Martin Luther King, but good leadership qualities often include; enthusiasm, good communication skills, high motivation and charisma.

This essay will discuss what makes a leader successful and how leadership styles vary and change depending on the circumstances under which a coach is training.

        There are many factors contributing to what makes a leader successful, but they can be summarised into three main points as stated by Chelladurais multi dimensional model of leadership. The leaders characteristics and style, the situation itself (the size and nature of the group) and the members characteristics in terms of their expectations and preferred style of leadership. This is shown in the model below taken from “Physical Education and the Study of Sport”

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        Fielder’s contingency model of leadership looks at the way the leader interacts with the situation; he defined leadership using two different classifications;

  1. Task orientated leader, the focus is upon what has to be achieved, the needs of individual group members are less important.
  2. Person orientated leader, these leaders will try to involve the group in decisions and focus on good interpersonal relations, often associated with a democratic leadership style.

Leaders ...

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