What factors contribute to making a good leader and how might your style of leadership vary to be successful when involved in individual, racket and team activities?

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What factors contribute to making a good leader and how might you style of leadership vary to be successful when involved in individual, racket and team activities?

To fully answer this question I am going to answer it in two parts, firstly I am going to identify what factors contribute to making a good leader and secondly I am going to suggest how styles of leadership may vary in individual, racket and team activities.

Making a good leader.

There are many factors that can contribute to becoming a good leader. A leader will need to adapt to situations and adjust accordingly. A change in circumstances or situations calls for a different type of leader. Each of which have their own advantages and disadvantages.

A leader of a football team must be more dominant or task centered than say a tennis coach who would need to develop a more personal or relationship-centered.

                  (Physical education and the study of sport, Mosby, 0723431752, pg 405)

The advantage of this type of leader or an “autocratic” leader is that tasks are more easily set out and completed thoroughly.

                      (http://www.wujs.org.il/activist/training/basic/module5/handout.shtml. WUJS group)

A leader of any team will need to also have some kind of personal leadership qualities whilst retaining some dominance. An individual leader or coach will need to also have a strict and task centered side to them or there will be no path or direction to follow.

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Person-centered leadership is a more personal style of leadership and sometimes also known as democratic. They are leaders that are more suited to an individual or racket sports or those with few players on a team e.g. a boxing trainer might get to know a boxer well and can therefore know that for him/her to win they need a “kick start” or they need a quiet talking to.

An advantage of this is that a leader gets to know the players on a more personal level and then they can coach or lead them in the correct manner. ...

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