What is 'management' and what is expected to be achieved through the process?

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Travis Maddox 100030367

What is ‘management’ and what is expected to

be achieved through the process?

As the world moves rapidly into the ‘technologically-advanced’ 21st century, the rudimentary term of ‘management’ plays an ever-present key role in the lives of all people. Management is the “…process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims.”  The nature of management is quintessentially the process, deriving from Henri Fayol’s theories, of planning, organising, leading and controlling the organisation through the use of available resources to achieve organisational goals.

This crucial process of management is undertaken usually by a person referred to as a ‘manager’, whose role is defined by the ability to utilise, appropriately, the resources available, in the hope of achieving the goals of the organisation. People constitute a very important part of such resources that are available to the manager. According to Drucker a manager is someone who works with, and through people towards the achievement of set objectives.  This implies that in order for the objectives to be achieved the manager must entail the exercise of influence over the actions of the people, with which the manager works.

Through this vital process of management, the manager could seek to influence the actions of the people by simply wielding formal, delegated authority through power that is conferred from above. However, because the authority exists, it does not necessarily mean that group members will be willing to agree to its use. Although the compliance of instructions might be adhered to, it will not be sufficient for the successful achievement of organisational goals. The manager would require more than the wielding of such formal authority to be a successful manager. The manager will, in addition, have to possess and demonstrate leadership qualities. Hence, a successful manager must also be a leader.

The four functions of a manager, as described by Henri Fayol, are fundamental to the prolonged success of any company.  Planning is a vital tool to any manager since it allows for the preparation of future events and occurrences.  A comprehensive plan both helps coordinate the actions of all team members, while also serving as a basis for control and feedback.  By using a systematic approach to planning, a manager can ascertain the capabilities of the employees and utilise resources to accomplish the most desired outcome.

In the new global business environment of today, it is most imperative that a company plans out its path before walking down it.  Due to the increase in technology that has enabled a company to market overseas, the amount of competitors and hazards, which await a company, has increased dramatically; therefore, the importance of planning has become even more crucial.

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The principles discussed in the planning stage enable managers to devise a framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped, and coordinated.  However, the function of organising is concerned with assigning individuals with tasks or responsibilities, which combine together to form one goal.  After discovering the strengths and weaknesses and defining the overall plan, the team leader must organise the resources to achieve those objectives set out previously.  This aspect of organising is intertwined immensely with leading and planning, since both are vital to the success of organising the group.  The team leader must be able to motivate the ...

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