Why do the less educated suffer disproportionally high unemployment?

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 Essay: Why do the less educated suffer disproportionally high unemployment?

Unemployment does not target all workers equally. Instead, unemployment is concentrated among particular demographic groups and among workers in specific sectors of the economy. Above all, a specific fact has been reported in several studies in labour economics: the unemployment rate is everywhere much higher for less educated workers. In 1998, in the USA, the unemployment rate of college graduates was only 1.8 percent, as compared to 4.0 percent for high school graduates, and 7.1 percent for high school dropouts (Ehrenberg & Smith, 2008). The “unemployment gap” across education groups widened substantially in recent decades. Always in the USA, in 1970, the unemployment rate of high school dropouts exceeded that of college graduates by only 3.3 percentage points. By 1998, the gap was over 5 percentage points. Part of the increase in the unemployment differential across skill groups occurred during the 1980s, a decade that also witnessed a significant increase in the wage gap between skilled and unskilled workers (Cahuc and Zylberberg, 2004).  

This significant benefit of education – lower risk of unemployment at higher educational levels – has been at the centre of a number of studies, whereby labour economists have attempted to spot and examine the reasons from which it originates.

The essay will briefly review the main findings of the above-mentioned research. In order to achieve a better level of clarity it will be divided into two major areas. Firstly, a microeconomic view, based largely on the pivotal work by Jacob Mincer “Education and Unemployment” (1991), will be presented. Secondly, I will focus on the macroeconomic analysis of the issue; the two most important works I will make use of in this second section are “Globalization and the Rise in Labour Market Inequalities” by Adrian Wood (1998), and “The Assessment: Globalization and Labour Market Adjustment” by David Greenway and Douglas Nelson (2000).

On the microeconomic side, the analysis is facilitated by a decomposition of the unemployment rate in two parts: the unemployment incidence, namely the probability of leaving employment, and the duration of unemployment, that is the probability of leaving unemployment (Mincer, 1991). The first thing to notice, as underlined by Mincer and others, is that duration of unemployment is a relatively minor aspect of the educational unemployment differentials. Previous research (Ashenfelter, 1979) show that incidence of unemployment is 170% greater, but duration only 30% greater, in the least educated compared to most educated workers.

A first reason why education implies lower unemployment rates lies in the positive relation between education and on-the-job training; the latter, in turn, clearly negatively related with unemployment (Mincer, 1991). But why do more educated workers engage in more on-the-job training? The logical answer depends upon the fact that more educated individuals have greater learning ability and can acquire human capital at lesser costs. Hence, they will invest more in all forms of human capital, including education and job training. Moreover, for similar reasons, it must be noticed that education enhances the productivity of job training at work.

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Another reason regards the negative relation between turnover (which is fundamental in our analysis because it is an important component of unemployment incidence) and on-the-job training. In this case, skill specificity is the central concept. Training which enhances skills and productivity in the firm is not fully transferable to other jobs in other firms. As a result, workers who acquire large volumes of training on the job are less likely to move from one firm to another. Likewise, employers are less likely to lay off such workers if they share the costs and returns to training (Ehrenberg & Smith, 2008). ...

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