Vincent Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”.

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In American history, many historians had revered the concept of frontier. One such historian is Frederick Jackson Turner, in his book “The Significance of the Frontier in American History” indicated that the evolution of English colonization in the American Frontier was one of the most important age in developing the American continent. This could be compared to as a piece of art where the artist first explores and then finally matures to his work.

Vincent Van Gogh, one of the most important Impressionist, is an ideal artist whose work could be used to interpret the concept of “frontierism”. For this reason his work is taken as an example to illustrate how American frontier came into being, the struggle of our forefathers fruitful to today’s American society.  Turner had indicated that:

". the most important effect of the frontier has been in the promotion of democracy. [The] frontier is productive of individualism." (Frederick Jackson Turner, "The Significance of the Frontier in American History.")

In this context Van Gogh’s work is compared so that the concept of individuality could be enhanced. How Americans came to the conclusion of democracy and through which chain of logical conclusions.

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In this paper Vincent Van Gogh’s work “Starry Night” has been taken as the metaphorical frontier, which could be compared, to the age of “Frontierism.” Starry Night clearly shows that traditions could be broken in order to achieve a higher level of development whether it is in the aesthetic sense or in the ways of life. Van Gogh’s Starry Night therefore is similar to the concept portrayed by Turner.  


Starry Night is one of Van Gogh’s most renown works. A piece of brilliant aesthetic art it is a still life ...

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