Are Single Sex Schools better for girls than Mixed Schools?

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Laura Quigley 5m2

Are Single Sex Schools better for girls than Mixed Schools?

There is a lot of discussion about whether single sex schools provide a better education than mixed schools for girls.  Having been through both types of school systems, it is my opinion that Single Sex Schools provide a higher standard of education than mixed schools.  The very ethos of an all girls school is to try to empower women, not just academically, but also emotionally which will help them to cope with the discrimination which they will undoubtedly meet in all walks of life.

People who agree with the idea of single sex education, such as some parents and teachers, claim that boys and girls distract each other from their education, especially in adolesence as their sexual and emotional sides develop.  Too much time can be spent attempting to impress or even harass each other.  This can cause many students to try to fade into the background so that they are not noticeable which is bound to have an effect on their academic achievements.  In single sex schools, girls tend to participate more in class, develop much higher self esteem, score higher in aptitude tests, are more likely to choose male disciplines such as science in college, and are more successful in their careers.  I feel that all of these points make a strong argument for single sex schools.

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The reason all girls schools were established in the first place was because in the past, it was only men who received an education.  This was obviously a great step forward for women who could receive the same academic education as men.  Previously there were only boys' single sex schools and this helped to redress the balance.  Women teachers themselves were often discriminated against.  In the past, the all male schools employed mostly male teachers, therefore this discrimination was also redressed by the formation of girls only schools which allowed the newly qualified female teachers to gain employment.  I ...

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