As a teacher I feel the obligation to learn possible ways in which obesity can be prevented and inform parents.

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Jenny Acevedo

May 3,2012

English 112

Essay 3 Revised Draft 3

Child Obesity

As an after school teacher, I have the privilege to work with many wonderful children. These children mean a lot to me because I get to know them personally and they bring a lot of happiness and joy to my life. However, many of them make me worry because they currently are faced with a very tough battle with obesity. It makes me very sad to see healthy children playing games such as running, jumping, and chasing each other around, while the children with obesity sit and watch, questioning why they are incapable of keeping up with everyone else. Obesity is robbing children from enjoying the best years of their lives. This is a time in which children should be worry free and when the hardest decision should consist of what toy to play with next. Excess body fat causes children to be the target of bullying and teasing by their peers. Being overweight lowers children’s self esteem and causes severe health related problems. Children that are obese, unfortunately are following the blueprint for a miserable life. As a teacher I feel the obligation to learn possible ways in which obesity can be prevented and inform parents on the future expectations and projected outcomes an obese child will have if their lifestyle does not change.

Makayla is one of my students at the after school program I work for. She weights about 100lbs at the age of 9. Sadly, Makayla constantly needs her asthma pump after doing simple physical activities such as walking up the stairs. Her peers always choose her to be “it” when playing the game Tag because she cannot keep up to tag them. Makayla is not alone. Childhood obesity is a growing public concern. “Recent data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey show that over the last 3 decades, the number of obese children aged 6–11 years has tripled, and the prevalence has doubled for preschool.”( La Merrill, Birnbaum 22). Unfortunately this epidemic has been increasing over the years. Many question what has caused this disease to reach so many more children. According to Professor T.J Cole “Diet, physical activity and the familial psychosocial environment are all well established as risk factors for obesity in childhood”(Cole). What children are eating, the amount of time spent active, and psychosocial setting has changed and affected their weight significantly.

In the 21st century children are eating fewer home made meals. “ Fast food is a prominent contributor to caloric consumption, and has been directly linked to higher obesity rates among children and adolescents”( Elbel 493). Studies have shown that Fast food is a key factor  in excess calorie intake, causing obesity to escalate at an enormous rate. Parents are responsible for the lack of ambition to feed their children nutritionist food. Unfortunately parents are buying their children fast food because is more convenient, appetizing, and cheaper. “ A series of focus groups involving 9- to 12-year-old children and their parents, most from lower- middle socioeconomic groups, yielded two primary findings: the children regarded low-fat food as unappetizing, and the parents reported that the high cost of fruits, vegetables and 100% juice explained their relative unavailability at home”(Elbel 494). Unfortunately money plays big role on the food choices we make. Fast food restaurants make it easier and affordable making the consumer think twice before buying healthy food.

One of the main reasons why obesity in children has increased over the years is because current technology has taken over children`s enthusiasms from active games. In a recent study researchers found that “Eight- to 18-year-old children reportedly spend 1.1 hours a day playing video games and up to 6.1 hours a day of total screen use [which includes television, computers, video games]”(Roberts). Children are dedicating too much time in activities that requires very little physical activity. Staying active is crucial for the development of children. Big calorie intake and low physical activity is a deadly mix that fuels the fire for the obesity epidemic.

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Child obesity is a very big concern because it negatively impacts children. Not only does obesity affect children physically but psychologically as well. When a child is obese, many parents see it as “baby fat” and expect the child to lose weight by adult hood, but that is not the case. “Overweight and obese children are four times more likely to become overweight adults, thus leading to major chronic illnesses such as type-two diabetes, heart disease, and cancer”(Laframboise 256). If the lifestyle of obese children does not change they will grow up to have a poor health related quality of ...

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