Carolyn Wu        


Mr. Brocato – English 117        

Cheaters Prosper Essay

I am trying to use fewer commas and improve my level of thought.

Cheating.  When someone mentions cheating, different people think of different things.  Some think of an unforgivable crime equal to murder.  Others think of a justifiable act that happens when one is overstressed.  There are also people who are such cheaters that if they don’t cheat when given chances, they feel like they are being taken advantage of.  How people view cheating is a result of their upbringing and ideals.  

There were also many good and irrefutable points made in the news article “Cheaters Prosper” by Brigid Schulte, who wrote the article for the Washington Post, but there were also some points that were more debatable.    For example, when Mrs. Abeshouse said that she searched the Internet for that one line, “Unable to express her desires, she imagines that she sees ghosts of luckier souls who did express their desires.”  She found the line on but one cannot help but wonder how she can prove that all the students went to that website and cheated.  

        But any student, regardless of whether or not they cheat, can’t disagree with Mrs. Abeshouse when she says, “By our (meaning teachers) standards, it’s cheating.  By theirs (meaning students), it’s efficiency.”  Like the article also points out, students were definitely cheating before there was the Internet, but now, with the Internet, it’s easier to cheat.  There is also an unquestionable sense of anonymity, meaning it’s very hard to trace where a student has been online with his/her computer.  Because of that reason, one can’t prove without a doubt that a student is cheating unless the student confesses.  

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        There are many reasons why kids might cheat; the three most common causes are pressure from parents, deadlines, and the ease of getting away with it.  As mentioned in the above paragraphs, cheating is remarkably easy to get away with thanks to the Internet.  These days, the most common reason to cheat is pressure from parents.  Because we live in a product-oriented society, our parents tend to focus on our class rank and soothe better grade make them look like better parents.  As one student quoted in the article, “Some parents are under the impression that if you don’t do ...

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