Effective Classroom Management Essay

This first part of this module, Effective classroom focus on instruction design. I have learnt various methods to plan, resource, implement, analyze and evaluate teaching. I also recognize the importance of planning in classroom teaching. Although a good planning is a necessary condition for effective teaching, it is not sufficient because student’s responses and behaviours are always unpredictable. Therefore, a well-equipped teacher should have adequate knowledge in classroom management and understand different approaches in solving discipline problems. Certainly, the most important is that teachers should be able to apply appropriate approaches according to different situations. In this portfolio, I will give my personal theory of classroom discipline and teacher-pupil relationship first. Then, my reflection on the topics covered will be included. Moreover, cases from my previous learning and teaching experiences and newspaper will also be used to illustrate the application of various approaches for effective classroom management. Lastly, I will summarize the knowledge, skills and attitudes I learnt in this module and their importance for my professional development as a teacher.

Personal Theory of classroom discipline and teacher-pupil relationship.

A metaphor will be used to illustrate my theory of classroom discipline and teacher-pupil relationship. Personally, I think a classroom is similar to a user using a computer.

Students are similar to different programs in a computer. Each program is unique and useful in certain aspects. Some may be strong at image editing; some may be strong at communication etc. Just like in a classroom, every student is distinctive. One boy may be good at drawing while another girl may have excellent communication skills. Teacher, similar to a computer user, is the commander. S/he is responsible to give directions to his/her students. However, conflict occurs when students cannot fulfil the expectations of the teachers. This leads to classroom discipline problems which are similar to the situation when a computer fails to follow the user commands. Nevertheless, the teachers should not blame their students immediately because it might not be their fault. For example, they might not understand their teacher’s directions or some environmental factors might affect their performance. It is similar to the case in a computer. Different commands are used for different programs even for a simple procedure like printing a document because one command understood for a program might not be understood for another. Factors other then the program itself, e.g. volume of hard disk, version of operation system, always affects programs performance. Therefore, teachers should make our instructions clear and understandable. We should also consider if there is any factor other than students themselves contribute to student’s misbehaviours.

As I mentioned, teacher-pupil relationship is similar to computer-user-program relationship to a certain extent. Besides giving out commands, mutual respect and understanding should be built up between the two parties in order to have a smooth operation. Computer user should understand the characteristics, strength and weakness of each program. Teachers should also understand the individuality, character, strength and weakness of each student too. If possible, it is beneficial for students to understand their teachers too because it will promote their co-operation and facilitate classroom teaching. To conclude, authority, respect and understanding are indivisible in teacher-pupil relationship.

Reflections and Identification of management and discipline incidents.

1.Invitational Education: Trust, Respect, Optimism & Internationality

In the first section on 21st October, the Invitational Education was introduced. Although I only have a brief concept on it, I believe the four propositions: trust, respect, optimism an internationality, provide a framework for making schools a more exciting, satisfying, and enriching experience for students and teachers. This approach is especially inspiring for current Hong Kong educational situation in which many teachers are overloaded with excessive non-teaching responsibilities. Some of them may have already forgotten the importance of a positive teacher-pupil relationship and proper attitudes to students in the existing exam-oriented environment. I must always remind myself that love, respect, optimism and internationality are always necessary to build a supporting learning context.

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2.Non-Interventionist VS Interactionist VS Interventionists

The introduction of these three approaches organizes different methods to handle students discipline problems in a more systematic way. For example, detention for not handing in homework on time is a kind of interventional approach because it emphases the consequence of misbehaviour. Negotiation with students on class rules is a kind of interactional approach because it stresses on confronting and contracting. Lastly, individual counselling with students is a kind of non-interventional approach because it aims at building up a positive teacher-student relationship. Although I scored the highest mark in Interventionist in the ...

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