Examine these approaches to behaviour management in light of your reading of the theory and background research underpinning the Steer Report (2009) and the Ofsted report of Academy X.

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Written Assignment Title:  

Examine these approaches in light of your reading of the theory and background research underpinning these reports.  Analyse how your future development as a classroom practitioner has been (and continued to be) informed by blending these reports with you own further evidence on behaviour management.  

Trainee Name:  

Professional Tutor:  

Submission Date: 1st November 2011

Word Count: 2000

Plagiarism Statement

I confirm that this is my own work and that I have read and understand the programme’s regulations relating to plagiarism (details on Blackboard under Policy and Protocol).

Trainee: ____________________________________        Date: __________________

Reflect on the practical approaches that are offered in two officially endorsed documents:

  1. The Report of the Practitioners’ Group on School Behaviour and Discipline, chaired by Sir Alan Steer (2005) updated 2009 (in particular chapter 4 (p 36), Chapter 5 (p49) and Appendix A (p72)
  2. School Ofsted Report or alternative local document selected in discussion with your professional tutor e.g. school classroom management policy.  

Examine these approaches in light of your reading of the theory and background research underpinning these reports.  Analyse how your future development as a classroom practitioner has been (and continued to be) informed by blending these reports with you own further evidence on behaviour management.  

This essay seeks to correlate my experiences within classroom with the two documents cited above to critically assess the ways in which my development as a classroom practitioner has, and will continue, to progress. In blending theory and practical experience this essay will enhance my practise which has loosely followed Kolb’s Experimental Learning Model (Figure A). Through pedagogical research, a conceptual framework has underpinned my practise which has, in turn, been tested in the classroom, evaluated and then been reflected on. This follows Kolb’s theory of developing practise. This theory is most successful in its ability to use experience and theory to continually improve its effectiveness.  This particular study will use Powell and Tod’s conceptual framework in its analysis of learning behaviour. It is important to note that Powell and Tod’s concept of ‘Learning Behaviour’ is far more effective than one of ‘Behaviour Management.’ Learning behaviour takes into account deeper, underlying factors that affect behaviour. Behaviour is not something that simply needs managing and remedying. The reality is more amorphous than that; it is something affected by a variety of variables that any classroom practitioner must be constantly aware of. In doing this I will analyse learning behaviour in the context of: ‘relationship with the self, relationship with curriculum and relationship with others’ (Figure B).  Reducing the factors that affect behaviour to these dimensions is a convenient way of structuring analysis. These reflections will, throughout the essay, be supported by evidence found in the Steer Report (2009) and the Ofsted report of Academy X in April 2010.

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Figure A

Relationship with Self: ‘a cyclical relationship between self confidence and intrinsic motivation.’ (Capel, Leask, Turner 2009: 125)

This essentially considers the extent to which the child can access education on  a macro scale. How far is the child hindered before he enters the classroom and what can the practitioner do to help him progress in spite of this?  Academy X ‘serves a socially disadvantaged community in the area’ but is ‘working hard to tackle students overall low aspirations and lack of motivation’ (Ofsted Report 2010).  It is clear, from my experience that the social and economic ...

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