Explain what is meant by the term generalized quantifier. Should all types of noun-phrase in natura

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Explain what is meant by the term generalized quantifier. Should all types of noun-phrase in natura

Quantification plays a central role in logic, especially in logical accounts of natural language, making it an interesting topic to address. Generalized Quantifier Theory (GQT) offers an alternative to traditional quantifiers. This relatively recent development has stired up much discussion including the question of whether all types of noun phrase can usefully be treated as generalized quantifiers. This issue will be investigated below. However, first it is necessary to establish the meaning of generalized quantifier.

        The universal and existential quantifiers, " and $ respectively, were developed to handle every and some. Truth-conditionally adequate logical translations for sentences containing certain other quantifiers are possible using the lambda operator, however, they are overly complex. Other non-classical quantifiers have no representation at all, for example, more...than, many, few, most, more than half. A set-theoretical treatment of quantification seeks to overcome these drawbacks and has also provided general semantic constraints which can be imposed on natural language quantifiers.

        In GTQ a student denotes the set of sets of entities which have a non-null intersection with the set of students:

        {X Í A | X _ [student']M,g.¹ 0}

        and every student denotes the set of sets of entities of which the set of students is a subset:

        {X Í A | [student']M,g.Í X}

        Every is translated directly into every' rather than a complex expression using lambda. More generally, each quantifier is associated with a function which assigns to each subset [N]M,g. of A, a set of subsets of A having a particular property. This gives the following definitions for every and some:

        [every']M,g. is that function which assigns to each [N]M,g.Í A, the set of all sets {X Í A | [N]M,g. Í X}.

[some']M,g. is that function which assigns to each [N]M,g.Í A, the set of all sets {X Í A | X _ [N]M,g. ¹ 0}.

        The proposition expressed by Every student laughed is true if [student']M,g.Í [laugh']M,g., c.f.:

        [student']M,g A



Other quantifiers may also be defined in terms of the sets of sets they assign to the extension of each common noun. Quantifiers often involve a comparison of the cardinality of two sets. For example, (at least) two and both constrain the cardinality of the intersection of the sets denoted by the common noun and by the VP. Two students and both students can be interpreted as follows:

        [two' (student')]M,g. = {X Í A | | X _ [student']M,g.| ³ 2}

[both' (student')]M,g. = {X Í A | | X _ [student']M,g.| = 2}

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        The interpretation above is considerably simpler than the equivalent one using universal and gereralised quantifiers.

        Non-classical quantifiers may also be captured in this way. For example, the discontinuous determiner more...than denotes the set of sets whose intersection with the extension of one common noun has more members than than their extension with a second common noun:

        More students than lecturers

[more_than'(lecturer') (student')]M,g. = {X Í A | | X _ [student']M,g.| _ {X Í A | | X _ [lecturer']M,g.|}.

        Set theory enables the notion of context dependence to be incorporated more directly into the semantics by letting a ...

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