Global Education an issue for every classroom?

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End-of-course assignment        122        

Global Education – an issue for every classroom?

Issues like globalisation, sustainability or global warming are omnipresent in 21st century Western societies. We, as adults, are confronted with these issues on a regular basis as dealing with them is an essential competence for a successful life in the third millennium. As the education our youth receives shall prepare them for a successful conquering with the “real life” after schools and its problems and chances, I claim that Global Education, as a concept which deals with global issues like development, peace, human rights and environmental sustainability, should be introduced into school curricula world-wide. After giving a definition of Global Education and introducing some of its key principles, I will finally summarise my arguments why global issues shall become part of global educational systems.

As Global Education is a rather young field of research, which came into existence in the nineteen-eighties, scholars have not agreed on a common definition. For the first regional conference on Global Education organised by UNICEF MENA David Selby (2003: 145) presented the following definition:

Global education is a holistic paradigm of education predicated upon the interconnectedness of communities, lands, und peoples, the interrelatedness of all social, cultural und natural phenomena, the interpenetrative nature of past, present und future, und the complementary nature of the cognitive, affective, physical and spiritual dimensions of the human being. It addresses issues of development, equity, peace, social and environmental justice, and environmental sustainability. Its scope encompasses the personal, the local, the national und the planetaly [sic]. Congruent with its precepts and principles, its pedagogy is experiential, interactive, children-centred, democratic, convivial, participatory, and change-oriented.

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In other words, Global Education can be characterised as an interdisciplinary approach, which focuses on helping people to acquire knowledge, concepts, values, skills and competencies required for living in an increasingly interconnected, interdependent, pluralistic world. Therefore Global Education aims at being part of every subject in school, not only part of those which seem more appropriate than others to deal with topics like globalisation or environmental sustainability (i.e. geography or biology).

As it is difficult to substantiate such a wide term like Global Education, some key areas will be listed below. Selby (2003: 153) states key issues like “Development Education” ...

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