Hypothesis: Left handed people are smarter than right handed people within year ten.

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Asha Kiribalasingham

Hypothesis: Left handed people are smarter than right handed people within year ten.

I have decided to further investigate into this hypothesis, as I am extremely curious to find out who is more intelligent. I am engrossed to determine whether being left or right-handed can affect your intelligence, it would be quiet fascinating to discover even if it had the smallest impact on a person. By carrying out various mathematical methods, I will hopefully prove my hypothesis correct. This gives me an excellent opportunity to learn the different abilities, that left, and right-handed pupils possess, therefore broadening my way of thinking.

In order to continue with my project, I have to arrange my data accordingly. I have to determine exactly which information I will be needing and how it will influence my results and findings. I will research my topic on the Internet and in the library to give me a wider base to work on. I will firstly discuss each title and how it may or may not help me to carry out appropriate results in my project.

I will need to find out the pupils surnames, whether they are left or right handed, their IQ levels and their maths science and English results. I will get rid of the other columns of information, as they will be of little use to me for the following reasons:

Forename 1: I will not need the student’s names as I am comparing the data in general and not as individuals.  

Years: As I am comparing year 10 students I already know their age so there is no need for this column.

Months: This is again the same as years. If there was a small difference in ages between the students it wouldn’t affect their creativity or IQ levels greatly.

Month of birth: As the students are in year 10 I know that the students were born during the years of 1987-1988.

Gender: I am not comparing the genders so I do not need this column.

Hair colour: No need for this information.

Eye colour: No need for this information either.

Favourite colour: This information is of no use to me.

Favourite type of music: This shouldn’t affect the persons IQ levels of creativity skills so I will not use this information.

Favourite sport: I am not comparing the fitness levels for the people in year 10 so I will not use this column.

Favourite TV programme: This shouldn’t greatly affect the students creativity skills so I will not be needing this information.

Average hours of TV watched per week: This is again of no use to me.

 Height (m): I am comparing the students IQ levels and creativity skills so I will not need their height.

Weight (kg): I will not need their weight either.

Number of pets: No need for this information.

Means of travel to school: No need for this information either.

Number of siblings: This shouldn’t affect their creativity skills and IQ levels greatly so I will not use this information.

Distance between home and school: This information is of no use to me for what I am proving.

Favorite subject: I will not need this column as I am not comparing the students creative skills.

I will keep the following columns as they will help me prove my hypothesis for the following reasons:

Year Group: I will need to show the year group as I can show that I have taken the students from one year only to make it a fair test.

Surname: This would not affect the student’s creativity skills or their IQ levels but I will keep it to identify the pupils.

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Left/right handed: This is very important as I am trying to prove whether left handed people are smarter and more creative than right handed people.

Key Stage 2 Science results: This will help me prove the students creativity skills and IQ levels.

Key Stage 2 English results: This will help me prove the students IQ levels.

Key Stage 2 Maths results: This will help me prove the students IQ levels.

IQ levels: This will definitely help me prove the pupils IQ levels.

 There are about 1200 names in the Mayfield High data and to make it easier and ...

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