Modeling complex phenomena: An investigation of two teaching approaches with fifth graders.

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Modeling complex phenomena: An investigation of two teaching approaches with fifth graders.

A dissertation submitted to the University of Manchester for the degree of MA in the Faculty of Humanities


Christine Snow

School of Education

LIST OF CONTENTS                              


List of Tables…………………………………………………………………………..4

List of Abbreviations…………………………………………………………………..5



Copyright Statement…………………………………………………………………...7


Literature Review.……………………………………………………………………12


        Models and modeling in general……………………………………………..12

        Models in Science Education………………………………………………...14

                Factors that influence modeling-based teaching……………………..21


                Modeling tools……………………………………………………….22

        Computer-based modeling in Science Education…………………………….23

Attending to learning styles when teaching science with different modeling approaches…………………………………………………………………....28

Development of Research questions…………………………………………32



Methodological approach…………………………………………………….34


        Data Collection……………………………………………………………….35

Questionnaires: VAK test and previous knowledge………………….35

                Constructivism teaching approach…………………………………...37

                Subject taught………………………………………………………...37

Group meetings………………………………………………………38

Study’s computer-based modeling tool………………………………39

                Data sources………………………………………………………….41

                        - Observations………………………………………………..41

                        - Group interviews……………………………………………42

        Data Analysis………………………………………………………………...43


        Validity and Reliability………………………………………………………45

        Ethical Issues…………………………………………………………………46

Discussion and Analysis……………………………………………………………...47

        Computer-based modeling approach group………………………………….47

                Students’ conversations………………………………………………49

                Students’ programming strategies……………………………………54

                Group interviews……………………………………………………..56

        Non-computer based modeling approach group …………………………….59

                Students’ conversations and strategies……………………………….60

                Group interviews……………………………………………………..62

        Comparison between the two groups and Discussion………………………..64




Final Word Count:



Stagecast Creator’s Group………………………………………………………….48

Group that worked with materials………………………………………………….59


Dfes: Department of Education and Skills

SC: Stagecast Creator

VAK: Visual Auditory Kinesthetic


This is a qualitative study seeking to investigate two different modeling-based approaches in science education and how fifth graders, having their first experience on a modeling-based teaching environment, interact toward these approaches. The two approaches differ to the fact that one is based on a computer-based programming environment (Stagecast Creator) and the other is based on a non computer-based environment (models made with materials). Both approaches were designed having as a framework a constructivism approach, while students’ interactions are observed through students’ individual learning style (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners).  

The main purpose of the current study is to identify which of the two approaches can support better students’ understandings when they are taught a scientific phenomenon, specifically how day and night occurs and how this depends on students’ individual characteristics. Also, it seeks to examine students’ motivation and engagement with the two modeling approaches.

Findings of the study revealed that students’ understandings about the physical phenomenon were promoted through the two modeling-based approaches, while students were able to built or revise their prior knowledge, through the constructivist perspectives that were used. However, students’ modeling skills were enhanced more efficiently with the computer-based approach.

Still, it was found that students’ individual needs had an impact on the two approaches since specific characteristics of the two modeling approaches seemed to support students’ understanding. Moreover, it was found that other factors could influence the two modeling approaches and their effectiveness on accomplishing students’ understandings about scientific phenomena. Therefore, suggestions for further research in the field of modeling in science are made.


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Models and the modeling process are widely recognized as vital part of the science education, since they can play a determine role on promoting scientific understanding and knowledge. Science education deals with physical systems that are usually complex and difficult to understand while they can’t be observed directly. So, for the acquisition of efficient knowledge about a specific phenomenon modeling process is considered valuable, since it seems to be “promising in scaffolding learners’ understanding of the complex processes of science through building, testing, revising and applying models” (Papaevripidou et al, 2006, p. 145).

By realizing the importance of the modeling process in science, understanding how to support students to gain knowledge on developing models has been one of the main challenges in science education.  It is thought that through modeling-based teaching students are engaged in a process of using models as tools for discovering, synthesizing, predicting and as a final result constructing knowledge (Papaevripidou et al, 2006). In addition, as Penner (2001) supports, any experience that students have with modeling-based teaching gives students the opportunity to think and talk about natural in similar ways with those of scientists. In this context, it is thought that the development of efficient models leads to quality outcomes, that can’t be achieved through other educational processes (Harrison & Treagust, 1998). Consequently, modeling except helping students to explore and understand complex phenomena, it can also facilitate their understanding about the nature of science (Linn, 2003).

Besides, the rapid development of computers in education seems to have impact in the modeling-based teaching too, since a lot of researchers support that the most promising tools for modeling appear to be computer-based (Louca, 2004; Sherin et al., 1993; White and Fredriksen, 1998). There is a range of computer based programming environments that are used for the development of models about natural phenomena that are concerned to be valuable in the science teaching. Computer-based modeling appears to be so important since it is claimed to be suitable for investigating complex systems that can’t be observed directly in a science lab (Osborne and Hennessy, 2003; Tray and Khan, 2007)     

Another important factor that seems to be important, not only in the filed of science education but generally in education is students’ individual learning style and needs. All of us have an individual way of attending learning, something that needs to be considered for the ease of gaining knowledge. Science teachers have the potential and should use a variety of activities in the science lab, in order to correspond to students’ needs. So the assignments and activities in a science lesson should be structured in order to be flexible and students can use their visual, auditory or kinesthetic strengths (Thomson and Mascazine, 2008). With that way the difficult challenge do gain scientific knowledge and not just receive information about a science phenomenon can be accomplished easier.  

Even if the value of modeling-based teaching in science education as well as students’ individual needs concerned a lot of researchers and educators, few studies investigated how a modeling- based approach can support students’ understandings and which features can be helpful for students, according to their individual learning style. Most researches are based on computer-based modeling and how it helps the development of students’ modeling skills. There is a gap to be bridged on how a modeling procedure, either computer-based or non computer-based, can promote students’ understanding about scientific phenomena and how this might depends on different factors.

Consequently, the current study has as purpose to investigate two teaching approaches that are model-based; in order to identify which of the two can qualify better students’ individual learning styles. By taking into account the importance of modeling procedure in science education and the meaning of considering students’ individual needs in a learning process, two different modeling approaches, one computer-based and one non computer-based, were developed. It is believed that is interesting to investigate if learning styles can affect the modeling-based process in science teaching, since is a new approach in science education. The research was conducted among Cypriot students at the middle school age, since is considered to be the age that students can gain knowledge about models and modeling when they follow a process of developing and refining models about natural phenomena (Louca & Constantinou, 2002). Also, modeling process as well as the use of computers in science teaching are methods that are not used in science lesson in the Cypriot curriculum. So, I considered it essential to investigate if the use of a computer-based modeling approach would be more beneficial or more complex than a non computer-based approach for students that have no previous experience at this domain.

In addition, the two teaching approaches that are used were chosen to be as familiar as possible with students’ experience, that’s why in the computer-based approach a programming environment based on pictures and not in a complex programming language it is used, while in the non computer-based approach students use simple materials. Moreover, the current study considers constructivism as a central part of science education, so both approaches follow a constructivist approach. Consequently, another part of the current study that it is thought to be remarkable to be investigated is how constructivism is promoted through the two teaching approaches and how beneficial is this for students.  

In the present paper a theoretical framework is provided in order to situate the current study in the research of science education through a literature review in the field of models and modeling. Also, the theoretical framework situates the study in the research of technology, since views on how computer-programming tools can be used for the development of models and modeling tools are presented. Finally, research in psychology is another field that this study can be placed in, since students’ individual needs and how they can affect a modeling-based approach in science are investigated. By taking into consideration the above, the research questions that guided the study are presented. Next, the methodology that was followed in order to answer the research questions is described. Therefore, findings of the current research are presented through which the posed research questions are answered.  In conclusion, suggestions for further research in the fields of science education, modeling and technology are pointed out.



The current literature starts by providing a theoretical framework about models and modeling and their general purpose and value. It is described what models and modeling are, what is actually their purpose and how they are used. After that, the importance of using and developing models in the science education is underlined, while their benefits along with some limitations and restrictions are illustrated. Moreover, factors that might affect the implementation of the modeling procedure in a science lesson are mentioned. Next, it is explained what computer-based modeling is and how it can support and facilitate the aim of science education. In addition, another factor that is important and needs to be thought in the learning procedure is brought up, which is students’ individual learning style. It is clarified why students’ learning styles have to be considered in science education and how they might affect the learning process not only in general but particularly in science education. Lastly, by considering everything that were studied in the literature, a main research question is developed along with some subsidiary questions that will help the answering of the central question.  

Models and Modeling in general

Going through the existing literature there are a lot of definitions that might be found in the concept of “models” and “modeling”. Basically, it depends on the aspect that you are seeing modeling and the way as well as the domain you are using modeling. “Models can be personal such as mental models, communicative such as expressed models, or public such as consensus models” (Zhang et al., 2005, p.580). Also, models vary in their ability to estimate, explain, and predict real-world phenomena (Gilbert, 1991). Monsef (1997) defines model as the description of a system by using a symbolic way in which the world of objects can be expressed and consequently as “a system of interpretation or realization of a theory, which is true” (p.2). In addition, models are considered to be a set of elements of reality and the rules controlling these elements that are used to represent a specific phenomenon (Bialynicki-Birula & Bialynicki-Birula, 2004). Besides, Gilbert and Boulter (1998) describe models with a simpler way, as a representation of an object, event, process or system (p.53), while Millwood and Stevens (1990) indicate that a “‘model’ may be any one of several quite different things, ranging from physical apparatus to an equation” (p. 249).

Models are used in order to support people’s understandings for complex phenomena of the world around us. Galileo (1564- 1642), was the one who set the foundations for studying real-world systems indirectly through reduced and idealised models, from where we can gather valid descriptions, explanations and predictions about the systems (Halloun, 1996).  Furthermore, models are considered important since we humans cannot understand many aspects of the world, because there might be some things going on that we do not know. So, we choose to construct simplified models in order to represent anything we do know from our experiments (Ogborn, 1994). Still models are thought as human constructs, used to provide a representation for the mechanism of the natural phenomena in a coherent way (Louca and Constantinou, 2002).

What's more, models are used because the physical and natural world that we try to study in science is a complex world and to understand it better we break it down into manageable parts and represent it with models (Frost, 2003).  As Giere (1988, p. 64) indicates, “the model-reality adjustment is not overall, but rather relative to those aspects of the world that the models attempt to capture”. Consequently, models are considered to be “representations of a real-world process or thing”, used to simplify the phenomenon and make it more understandable (Glynn and Duit, 1995, p.3).

Modeling in Science Education

Considering all the above and having in mind the powerful potential of models and modeling process, many educators and researchers present their use in science education as essential and core (e.g Louca and Zacharia, 2008, Louca et. al., 2003, Papaevripidou et al, 2006, Schwartz & White, 2005), since they can facilitate and promote science learning and teaching (Grosslight et al, 1991). Therefore, they are identified as vehicles for learning the world (Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, 2006). Gilbert (1993), recognises models as “one of the main products of science,” important “element[s] in scientific methodology,” and “major learning [and teaching] tools in science education” (pp. 9-10). Specifically, Hudson (No date) emphasizes the importance of modeling in science by indicating that without modeling practices it is not possible to visualise effective teaching. Moreover, investigators (e.g., Snir et al., 1988) who have talked with students about the nature of models assumed that the enrichment of students’ conceptions about the nature of models could support student’s learning from models (cited in Grosslight et al., 1991). Also, models in science are thought to be the “way we construct understanding about the physical world and therefore are an anticipated result of teaching about science” (Louca and Constantinou, 2002). Consequently, lot of researches were conducted in the field of models and modeling in science education and several reasons that make the use of models in science education vital were revealed.

In order to understand the need for using models in science teaching it is useful to define what model-based teaching is and as Gobert and Buckley (2000) points out “model based teaching is any implementation that brings together information resources, learning activities, and instructional strategies intended to facilitate mental model-building both in individuals and among groups of learners” (p. 892). Moreover, Popper (1982) indicates that if science is the art of oversimplification, then models are the tools for organizing and simplifying things (cited in Sizmur and Ashby, 1997). Likewise, models in science are considered to be scientists’ and teachers’ attempts to represent every day phenomena that are difficult and complex to understand in order to support their students’ learning (Harrison and Treagust, 1998). The various models that can be generated in early school years are conditional representations of phenomena, explaining aspects of reality that are organised progressively, thereby leading to the development of these models (Acher et al., 2006).  As Osborne and Hennessy (2003) add, models can be very supportive, in order to understand the complex and confusing real world, since they give the opportunity to students to focus on specific concept and isolate variables they want to examine.

In addition, modeling is recognised as part of a scientist’s daily life (Zhang et al, 2005) and it is quite vital for students to be able to work and think like scientists (Wilensky and Reisman, 2006). Consequently, there is a growing interest in developing pedagogic models in science education, that help students understand how scientists conceptual physical phenomena (Louca, 2004). When children are learning science the task is similar with scientists’: to “progress from a directly experienced realm of things and events toward more theoretical explanations” that help students understand objects and processes that cannot observe by themselves (Sizmur and Ashby, 1997, p.7). So, by engaging students with similar practices with those of scientists’ such as modeling, helps them to construct knowledge and achieve epistemological understanding (Gobert and Buckley, 2000). Pollak (1994) argues that unless students are “introduced to the game that professional scientists play called ‘creating and shooting down models’ [we do not] let them in on the game of ‘being’ a scientist” (p.91). Additionally, the National Science Education Standards emphasizes this by stating that “all students should develop an understanding of the nature of science” and that this understanding includes knowledge that “scientists formulate and test their explanations of nature using observation, experiments, and theoretical and mathematical models” (National Research Council, 1996, p. 171). However there is difference between scientists’ and students’ perceptions about models, since scientists think of a model as “a set of assumptions that include theoretical entities and relations among them, that are designed to help them think about how to explain some aspect of reality” (Snir et al., 2000, p.797), while students assume that models are exact representations or pictures of reality (Grosslight et al., 1991).

What's more, modeling-based teaching can be beneficial since the development and refinement of models can have qualitative outcomes of understanding different concepts and the nature of science as well as gaining procedural and reasoning skills (Grosslight et al, 1991; Harrison and Treagust, 1998). Additionally, previous research showed that by engaging students’ modeling skills the achievement of science process skills is also accomplished (Rubin and Norman, 1992). Also, by using models students can gain scientific knowledge meaningfully, something that supports the development of scientific skills, especially critical thinking (White, 1993).

Also, it is considered that learning in science can be supported through the construction of models for physical phenomena and knowledge about those models, will “permit learners to further use, test and revise their models in the light of new evidence” (Louca and Constatntinou, 2002, p.15), something vital in the filed of science. Various studies in the area of modeling-based learning revealed that the use of models as tools for observing, exploring, synthesizing and predicting, provides a learning environment where students can build, test, revise and apply models (Papaevripidou et al., 2006, Schwartz & White, 2005). Moreover, the experience of any modeling-based learning gives the opportunity to students to think and talk scientifically about natural phenomena (Penner, 2001), to share, discuss and criticize (Devi et al., 1996; Rowette et al., 2000) their ideas as well as reflect upon their understandings (Gilbert et al., 1998).

Additionally, there has always been a challenge in science education for teaching students complex systems and unobservable phenomena. Therefore, models can facilitate the representation of this kind of phenomena and support students’ conceptual understanding.  Specifically, exploratory modeling activities, which allow students to interact with already constructed models, can explore phenomena that are not accessible to direct observation and the outcome can be a qualitative understanding of complex processes [(Feurzeig & Roberts, 1999) cited in Stylianidou et al. (2004)]. The use of complex system models makes the comparison with the real world data possible and provides the opportunity for revision and improvement of the modeling, based on the real world characteristics (Jacobson and Wilensky, 2006).

Furthermore, modeling can help learners “express and externalize their thinking” and “help them to visualize and test components of their conceptual ideas, which may help them advance their thinking and develop subject matter expertise” (Schwartz & White, 2005, p. 167). Moreover, the models that students construct have to be considered as adjustment between the questions-experiences, they have and the explanations they give (Acher et al., 2006). Consequently, as Jacobson and Wilensky (2006) add, by allowing students to involve with the modeling process through the representation of unobservable phenomena and express their thinking mistaken assumptions they might have can be revealed and so, later on revised and change. Penner (2001) argues that models can be “tools to think with and reflect upon”, since they represent features of physical and conceptual values that cannot be represented with real forms or be observed directly in the natural world (p.2). Besides, models are valuable because they can have an important contribution in originating new ideas and developing the imagination (Pauling, 1983 cited in Glynn and Duit, 1995).


Above and beyond, it is important for students not just to use models in their science teaching but also gain knowledge about the nature and purpose of scientific models (Grosslight et al, 1991, Van Driel and Verloop, 1999). Moreover, learning to model should be a social procedure that involves discussion and negotiation of meaning, because this provides the best opportunity for each student to construct the desired knowledge (Harrison and Treagust, 1998). However, as a research suggests (Grosslight et al., 1991), students should have more experience in using models as tools for learning and experience with discussions underlying the role of models in scientific concepts. Wilensky and Reisman (2006) highlight the need for further experience with models in science education by saying that all students seek to understand science and the world around them. Besides, when students manage to accomplish modeling skills they can use them in novel situations in the domain of instruction (White, 1993, White and Frederiksen, 1990).

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The use of models in science education requires great effort and there are difficulties that not only students but also teachers need to overcome, in order to achieve meaningful and efficient use of modeling. Teaching students about models and modeling has proven a quite challenging and difficult task (Schwartz & White, 2005). However, research showed that neither students nor their teachers possess efficient knowledge about the nature and purpose of scientific models (Van Driel &Verloop, 1999). Consequently, some students fail to understand the purpose of engaging with the modeling process (Barrowy & Roberts, 1999) and they also might not ...

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