Provide a rationale for the use of four resources with a group of learners, at least one of which should include emerging technology, and evaluate their effectiveness

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Unit 1 Developing and managing resources within the lifelong learning sector

  1. Provide a rationale for the use of four resources with a group of learners, at least one of which should include emerging technology, and evaluate their effectiveness

Logo PowerPoint – ICT used in order to put the resource together, relevant images and activities included in order to meet the aim of the lesson which is for learners to share their experience of logos and to gain a full rounded knowledge of why they are used and to produce a logo from a company that they are aware of and share any interesting facts about why it has been chosen.

This resource is effective in that it hits all learning styles:

Visual - images and videos included in presentation and learners are encouraged to use visuals within their activities and presentations.

Auditory - sound from video clips used, instructions given, objectives discussed and explained, and findings presented verbally.

Kinaesthetic – activities with pens, paper, design and doing/action.

Interpersonal – activities in pairs and groups being switched and changed throughout

Intrapersonal – individual work carried out in some areas/activities.

I received feedback that I was not asking specific questions at the end to check that the original objectives have been met. I made this change and was then observed on this session. I received a further development point as I did not utilise the feedback session by explaining why the learners’ logo had not been selected. This will help the learners to understand and use the feedback for any future documents produced. I have now adapted this for future sessions.

Summarising E safety – This resource is used to encourage the learners to read out loud but the guidance on summarising is not appealing as it contains no images. On completion of assessment, it was found that no one scored top marks. Resource to be revisited and add any words necessary to the learner glossary as this will encourage the learner and teacher to use these key words more regularly. This resource hits some of the learning styles:

Auditory – Listening to others read aloud, instructions given verbally and discussed.

Visual – Use of a highlighter pen to identify the main points in the document, these main pints then used to write a summary on the information.

Kinaesthetic – I could make it kinaesthetic by using a board game and check the learning by asking the relevant questions if they land on a certain colour or number.

Interpersonal – The above board game would make it interpersonal if they worked in pairs or teams

Intrapersonal – Lone working to identify the main points to be used in their summary of the document and summary typed individually.

This resource has been discussed and reviewed within our company quality meeting and an idea has been put forward to display this information and go through it at induction as there are already resources within the induction PowerPoint that relate to E-safety and so this is covering the topic twice.

Smoking hand out – used to read aloud, contains images and sparks a good conversation on who smokes, who is thinking about giving up, the health implications, etc. Also, great ice breaker for when the learners spend their money as they can show what type of person they are, what they like and the task works on presentation and body language skills. When used, learner feedback  given on the fact that they were very unclear when speaking and I would have liked the learner to stand at the front and present in a professional way to get this information across. This learner was very confident and had volunteered to go first which made me feel that they would accept the criticism and respond well. This resource hits some of the learning styles:

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Visual – It has images of the smoking but also the items that you could purchase with the money that you save

Auditory – reading the document aloud as a group

Kinaesthetic – Could make it more kinaesthetic by handing everyone some play money and they use pots and present each spend by explaining why and putting the money into that pot. Numeracy could be worked on by working out the percentage spend on each item and check back that they have 100%

Interpersonal – After presenting, they answer questions from the group and interact

Intrapersonal – ...

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