Teaching and the Law. Summarize the key aspects and current legislation requirements and codes relevant to your subject and the organisation.

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1. Summarize the key aspects and current legislation requirements and codes relevant to your subject and the organisation. 250/350 words.

The current legislation requirement in the education sector has as a main objective to guaranty to all learners the opportunity to be educated in an inclusive and safe environment where they can develop their individual skills without fears or doubts.  Gravells (2010) the codes of legislation are presented as the law guidelines that have to be taking in practice or me as a teacher and also are part of my contract when  start to work in any education setting. Some of the main regulatory codes of practice are: Equality Act (2010), Data Protection Act (2003), Health and Safety Act (1974), Education Act (1970).Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006).It is possible also to list specific requirements relevant to my own subject, in this case the Especial Education Needs code of practice implement an effective policy about ensuring equality and supporting children with learning difficulties or disabilities.

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 My aim as a teacher has go further rather than simply share and conduct information but to ensure that all learners has the same opportunity to develop ans access the knowledge. Children who are disabled or have special education needs must be included, valued and supported and it’s my duty to guaranty that reasonable adjustments are put in place for them like for example the implementation of a individual education plan. The SEN toolkit (2001) is a complete guide that describe the process and presages to follow in this cases.

The IEP (individual education plan) encourage me to reflect ...

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