The Role of The English Subject Leader

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Sinead Noonan

The Role of The English Subject Leader

‘The roles and responsibilities of the English co-ordinator are many and varied.’ (Merchant and Marsh 1998:9)  I feel that this quote sums up the importance of the role of the subject leader (SL) in one simple sentence.  The SL’s role requires the person to be dedicated, motivated and organised.  English is a core subject in the curriculum and affects every other subject area.  Being responsible for this subject sets a challenging and demanding task, and requires successful managing in order to make learning and teaching successful, not only within the English subject, but across the whole curriculum.

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‘To be responsible for English means we have the opportunity to influence the whole curriculum and the whole of children’s learning and this makes it exciting.’ (Waters and Martin 1999:5)  Waters and Martin reiterate the importance of the SL’s role, expressing the fact that it not only effects English as a stand alone subject, but has a wider effect on the whole curriculum.  The TTA (1) recognises the importance of the SL’s role in every area across the curriculum and have developed a set of standards (see Appendix 2) for leaders to follow.  These areas include planning, monitoring, assessing ...

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