The role of the Montessori Teacher

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 Montessori Philosophy and Theory.

Section 1 – Essay Questions

QUESTION D:        

“The Teacher must bring not only the capacity, but the desire to observe natural phenomena.  In our system, she must be passive, much more than an active, influence, and her passivity shall be composed of anxious scientific curiosity and of absolute respect for the phenomenon which she wishes too observe.  The teacher must understand and feel her position to observer: the activity must lie in the phenomenon.”

(Dr. Montessori, the Absorbent Mind Chapter 27)


Comment on the statement and explain how directress assists the child in his psychic development.

This essay explores the following statement, “The Teacher must bring not only the capacity, but the desire… … … …  feel her position to observer: the activity must lie in the phenomenon.”  

The statement derives from ‘Montessori Teacher’s Preparation’ position, one that views

  1. The role of the Montessori teachers as an Observer: “the desire to observe natural phenomena”; there is a need to observe, to learn about the child’s specific needs and the sensitive periods that the child goes through.  To understand the child’s needs, it is important to develop the desire and ability for scientific (systematic) Observation of the child.  


  1. Teacher as adapting passive attitude rather than being authoritarian and egocentric.  “In our system, she must be passive, much more than an active, influence, and her passivity shall be composed of anxious scientific curiosity… … …”


The essay outlines Qualities of a Montessori teacher’s.  In exploring these qualities of a Montessori Teacher, the essay endorses three elements involved in training of the spirit (child).  Essay seeks to highlight the ‘Montessori guide to psychological observation’ as a standpoint in which Teacher (‘Directress’) assists the child psychic development through their phenomena’s of: child’s Work, Conduct, and Obedience.


 Conventionally, there are three components; ‘Child’, ‘Teacher’, and ‘Environment’ that make a single educational system.  However, Montessori teacher is the dynamic link between the child and the environment, (Anne Burke Neubert; 1973).  

Maria Montessori saw ‘Teacher’s’ as playing a significant role in the Montessori Environment.  Teacher and the child unite to form inseparable parts of a Montessori prepared environment, which holds continuous process of development for both of them.  

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Montessori says, “The first step to be taken in the preparation of the adult is a change in attitude”.

Rather look upon the young child as helpless, small and having to be ‘filled-in’ with knowledge and experience, Montessori discovered the power of the child and their ability, assisted by nature, to construct him/her self.  On the other hand, the aim of the Montessori teacher (directress) is to develop the whole personality of the child through motor, sensory, and intellectual activity.  But Montessori teachers do more than present curriculum.  The secret of any great teacher is helping learners get to ...

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