Why teaching evolution is so important What is actually taught and what should be taught?

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Teaching Evolution    

Teaching Evolution
[Name of the writer]
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The rights to life and liberty, to freedom of expression and opinion, to participation in government and choice of employment, and to private property and general security in one's person these are just some of the rights that people around the globe have come to recognize as human rights those rights that all individuals have simply by virtue of their very humanity; rights that we expect all societies to guarantee to their citizens irrespective of a person's race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ethnicity; rights that we should have no matter where we live or who we are. Understood as universal and inalienable, human rights have come to represent a common standard, a set of international norms against which we measure the actions of governments and the practices of communities.

Table of Contents


Table of Contents        

Thesis Statement        




Teaching Evolution in public Schools        

Education’s Dilemma        

The Right of students to receive knowledge        

Freedom of Speech in Public Schools        

Teaching evolution in public school        

Why teaching evolution is so important – What is actually taught and what should be taught?        


End Notes        


Teaching Evolution

Thesis Statement

 “The analysis of teaching evolution in public schools”


There are several reasons for the treatment of evolution in schools. Many biology teachers avoid teaching about evolution because, like the public at large, they know relatively little about the subject. Other teachers avoid teaching about evolution because they are creationists or are afraid of reprisals from creationist parents or administrators. Of people polled, 95 percent of the people had heard of evolution, but only 50 percent were able to identify the correct definition. On the other hand, only 53 percent had heard of scientific creationism. Of those, 59 percent agreed with the firm creationist interpretation. The resistance to evolution as an explanation for the diversity of life may be related to this poor base in common knowledge about science and evolution.



Evolutionists believe, and the courts agree that strict creationism cannot be required to be taught in science class. While strict creationists still rattle their sabers, their claims are largely moot, except in the court of public opinion, due to the overtly religious basis of their argument. “Intelligent design is a fancy way of saying ‘God did it’

Teaching Evolution in public Schools

As a result, of the controversy surrounding teaching evolution, many science and elementary teachers do not teach the topic at all or barely touch on it despite state standards that mandate the teaching of evolution in almost every state. For example, in Minnesota 40 percent of biology teachers spend little or no time teaching evolution. In India, 40 percent of high school biology teachers say their teaching of evolution falls in the category of “avoidance” or “briefly mention.” One-third spends less than three days teaching evolution. In addition to avoiding evolution, many teachers teach or want to teach creationism. 

In Minnesota, approximately 15 percent of biology teachers include creationism in their classes. More than 25 percent of biology teachers believe creationism has a rational basis. In Indiana 20 percent reject or are unsure about the scientific validity of evolution. In Oregon, 39 percent of biology teachers believe creationism should be taught in science classes, and Louisiana 29 percent of biology teachers want to teach creationism in their classes.

Education’s Dilemma

Incredulous scientists and science educators are that the theory of core importance to biology is so widely disbelieved. They do not understand that disbelief in evolution is not predicated on the science of evolution but on cultural resistance to any idea whose advocates invoke it as evidence against God. Given the choice of belief in God and belief in a theory that they reject God, people choose God. Scientists like Richard Dawkins may “take pride that the theory of evolution ‘made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist,’ but such statements only exacerbate the acceptance of the theory and lend ammunition to those who insist that evolution is a form of religion or an idea antagonistic to religion”.

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Teachers obviously are in a very difficult position. Depending on the situation, they may be under prepared to teach concepts of evolution, pressured to teach evolution in a conservative Christian setting because it is part of state standards, or pressured not to teach evolution even when it is part of the standard curriculum. Wayne Carley, the executive director of the National Association of Biology Teachers said in 1996 that the debate may have a “chilling effect” on teachers. Certainly in the years since Carley made his statement, the situation has gotten worse not better. The result of this public tension ...

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