Willingness to Participate: Validating Menzel & Carrel (1999).

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                                Psychological Gender


Willingness to Participate: Validating Menzel & Carrel (1999)

Lin Marklin

Shannon Wonnacott
Western Michigan University

Communication 670

11 April 2002


Study investigates relationship between student willingness to talk and teacher immediacy behaviors via partial study replication (Menzel & Carrell, 1999). The relationship between perceived instructor gender and student speech and the relationship between perceived instructor gender and instructor immediacy are also investigated by adding variable of perceived teacher gender. This is conceptualized as sex-role type (masculine, feminine, and androgynous) (Bem, 1974) and student-reported via shortened Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) (Wheeless & Dierks-Stewart, 1981). Instructor immediacy behaviors were positively related to student willingness to talk, complimenting previous research (Menzel & Carrell, 1999). Student willingness to talk did not vary significantly as a function of perceived instructor gender. There was no significant relationship between perceived instructor gender and instructor immediacy behaviors.


As educators, we are always looking for ways to increase the amount of learning that takes place in the classroom. Researchers who focus on the educational sphere are interested in what students learn, how students learn, and what educators learn from their students (Gorham, 1988; Jordan, McGreal, & Wheeless, 1990; Keller, 1983; Plax, Kearney, McCroskey, & Richmond, 1986; Richmond, Gorham, & McCroskey, 1987). One of the ways students and educators learn is through student speech (Menzel & Carrell, 1999) because oral student participation is linked to active learning (Steinert & Snell, 1999) and decreased misconceptions about the academic content of the course (Roser & Keehn, 2002). Discussions can be used to improve student interpersonal skills (Olaniran, Savage, & Sorenson, 1996), develop critical thinking skills (Garside, 1996), and improve students’ communication competence (Zorn, 1991).  Student discussion is connected to student ability to construct meaning out of the course content (Coulter, Konold, & Feldman, 2000) and discussions can help individual students define and acknowledge the common goals of the class, and thus can be a motivational tool when students are able to identify with a collective desire to attain a specific outcome (Miller, & Nunn, 2001). In short, student participation is important to study because it is one method educators use to enhance and evaluate student learning (Menzel & Carrell, 1999).

Teacher immediacy is a variable that could influence student willingness to participate. Teacher immediacy behaviors impact a wide variety of student behaviors: research has shown that teacher immediacy behaviors positively correlate with student learning (Gorham, 1988; Gorham & Zakahi, 1990; Plax et al., 1986; Richmond et al., 1987) and with student motivation (Brophy, 1987; Keller, 1983; Wlodkowksi, 1978) . Teacher immediacy behaviors also impact student time on task (Kearney, Plax, Smith, & Sorensen 1988), teacher credibility (Frymier & Thompson, 1992), and teacher effectiveness (Frymier & Thompson, 1992; Gorham, 1988). Menzel and Carrell found a positive correlation between teacher verbal immediacy behaviors and student willingness to participate.

The final variable we were interested in studying was teacher gender, with teacher gender being defined as psychological gender and reported by students on a shortened Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) (Wheeless & Dierks-Stewart, 1981). We wanted to see if there was a relationship between student perceptions of instructor gender and student willingness to participate. In addition, we wanted to investigate the potential relationship between instructor immediacy behaviors and student perception of instructor gender.

We chose to replicate Menzel and Carrell’s (1999) study because it addressed our interest in student classroom participation and also would enable us to look at the variables of instructor immediacy and student perception of instructor gender. Menzel and Carrell (1999) researched student perceptions of learning, instructor verbal and nonverbal immediacy behavior, student willingness to talk in class, and the relationships between those three variables. The data was also analyzed in terms of its relationship to instructor gender and student gender, with gender being operationally defined as biological sex. The goal of replicating this study is to provide additional insight into variables that could influence how much students are willing to participate in class. Student participation may be influenced by instructor immediacy behavior and/or by student perception of instructor gender traits as student-reported on a BSRI.  By re-examining the relationship between instructor immediacy behavior and student willingness to participate, it will be possible to add more support for the positive correlation between these variables. By adding the variable of student perceptions of instructor gender traits, it will be possible to better understand two relationships that Menzel and Carrell (1999) did not investigate:  the relationship between perceived instructor gender traits and student classroom speech, and the relationship between perceived instructor gender traits and instructor immediacy.

Literature Review

There are several relevant variables and concepts that need to be defined.  In the following literature review, non-verbal and verbal teacher immediacy, willingness to talk, and psychological gender will be defined. Existing research will be reviewed as case is made for the importance of studying these three variables together.

Teacher immediacy

Immediacy can be described as psychological and physical closeness to another human (Gorham, 1988). Traditionally, immediacy has two components, non verbal and verbal. Non-verbal immediacy behaviors have been categorized into items such at smiles, eye contact, communicating at short distances, body positions that are forward leaning and/or relaxed, positive gestures, touch, and variety in vocalizations (Christophel, 1990; Kearney, Plax, Smith, & Sorenson, 1988). Verbal immediacy would include self-disclosure, use of "we," calling on students by name, and humor (Gorham, 1988; Kearney et al., 1988). It is clear that teacher immediacy impacts teacher effectiveness, student motivation, and student learning (Gorham, 1988; Rodriguez, Plax, & Kearney, 1996). What is unclear is the link between teacher immediacy, perceived teacher gender, and student willingness to participate. For this study, the variable of instructor nonverbal and verbal immediacy behaviors will be student reported on a 34-item measure (Christophel, 1990).  

Perceived Gender of the Instructor  

Because the students will report on the gender traits of the instructor, this variable is labeled as perceived gender. Sex and gender are not terms that are interchangeable today in communication research (Campbell, Gillaspy, & Thompson, 1997). The term sex usually refers to biological differences between women and men while gender often refers to the social, psychological, and cultural beliefs humans have about themselves as being male or female (Pearson & Davilla, 2001). For this study, gender is defined as the sex type of a person based on the degree to which that person has internalized the traits the society has deemed as masculine and feminine, and these masculine and feminine traits are delineated by the BSRI  based on a judgment as to whether American society viewed those characteristics as more desirable in men and women, respectively (Bem, 1974).  As educational communication researchers, we are interested in the extent to which our students have internalized society’s standards for being masculine or feminine and how this internalization impacts how students conceptualize and categorize teacher gender traits. One way to measure perception of sex roles is to use the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) created by Sandra Bem (1974). The BSRI treated masculinity and femininity as two separate dimensions and asked respondents to self-rate from a list of personality traits (Auster & Ohm, 2000). Each respondent would be classified into one of four groups: androgynous (high masculine/high feminine), masculine (high masculine/low feminine), feminine (low masculine/high feminine), and undifferentiated (low masculine/low feminine) (Pearson & Davilla, 2001; Wheeless, & Dierks-Stewart, 1981). In the original study, Menzel and Carrel (1999) found no significant relationship between the biological sex of instructors and student willingness to participate. What is unclear is both the relationship between perceived teacher gender and student willingness to participate and the relationship between perceived teacher gender and teacher immediacy behaviors. For this study, the variable of perceived gender of the instructor will be student reported on a 20-item BSRI. 
Willingness to Talk   

Student willingness to talk is an important component of the classroom environment, but unfortunately it is rare for the majority of students participate in whole class discussion (Green, 2000) Oral student participation is linked to active learning (Steinert, & Snell, 1999), and instructors use class discussions to develop critical thinking skills (Garside, 1996) and to improve student communication competence (Zorn, 1991). Furthermore, student in-class speech is often a way that teachers gauge their pedagogical effectiveness, and instructors also use student speech to evaluate student learning (Cooper, 1995). Despite the importance of student speech in student learning, in a discussion setting that incorporates thirty-five students or less, 15 percent of the students will be responsible for 75 percent of all student speech  (Green, 2000). Because of this disparity in student participation, it is important to study variables that could influence student willingness to speak.  Menzel and Carrel (1999) found the level of student willingness to talk to be positively correlated with student learning; they also argued that classroom dialogue is important to study because it is a reflection of effective instruction. When measuring willingness to talk in class, it seems reasonable to accept Menzel and Carrel’s (1999) incorporation of the variables of student interest and state motivation, type of participation environment, seating arrangement, and level of discord with ideas discussed, especially since the researchers statistically evaluated their instrument for internal validity and found these variables valuable in studying student willingness to talk. For this study the variable of student willingness to talk in class is self-reported on a 19-item measure incorporating the aforementioned variables (Menzel & Carrel, 1999).

Purposes and Objectives

This study seeks to replicate portions of the original study done by Menzel and Carrell (1999), with biological sex being replaced by gender of instructor, which is defined as psychological gender traits and student reported on the shortened BSRI. As previously discussed, research has positively correlated teacher immediacy behaviors with student willingness to talk (Menzel & Carrell, 1999). Previous research has not investigated two potential relationships:  between student willingness to talk and perceived instructor gender traits, and between instructor immediacy behaviors and perceived instructor gender traits.

Hypothesis and Research Questions:

H1: A student's willingness to talk in class will positively vary based on instructor immediacy behavior (verbal and nonverbal combined in one variable).

RQ1: Will a student's willingness to talk in class vary as a function of the student reported perceived gender of the instructor?

RQ2: Is there a relationship between instructor immediacy behavior (verbal and nonverbal combined in one variable) and student reported perceived gender of the instructor?

With regard to our data set, we surveyed community college students while Menzel and Carrell (1999) surveyed university students. Given the differences between the educational plans of some community college students and the educational plans of university students, we wondered if length of planned education could impact how students reported on the three variables of our study. With this in mind, we posed a final research question.

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RQ3: Will there be a difference in the data of students in 4-year programs and the data of students in 2-year programs?


        The study replicates portions of the Menzel and Carrel (1999) study with biological gender being replaced with perceived gender as defined by the shortened version of the Bem BSRI developed by Wheeless and Dierks-Stewart (1981). The pilot instrument measured the student reported gender of both the instructor and the student (see Appendix A), while the second survey measured only the student reported gender of the instructor (see Appendix B). The original Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI) was created ...

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