With reference to relevant theories, describe what the main sources of stress at work are in general and as a student

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With reference to relevant theories, describe what the main sources of stress at work are in general? Do any of these apply to you as a student? If so, what could you do to alleviate it?

There are a lot of definitions of stress and there are also various angles that you can look from at stress – for example you could look at it focusing on the social and psychological effects, human factors or from the pschophysiological and neuroscience perspective. In my opinion, the best definition of stress gives Richard S Lazarus by saying that stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that “demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize” (see picture), as this is how I often feel as a student. As you will see from this essay, a lot of stress factors experienced at work, also apply to us as students and the methods to reduce stress at work can also be helpful for us to cope better with university life. There are three main stressors: role stressors, decision making stressors and workplace stressors.

A role stress factor that is probably best known to students is the work role transition, which occurs when a person stars a new job facing uncertainty in a completely new environment. Without a predecessor there is no help available from other the socialization into the role happens informally and randomly. When I started university I was obviously nervous and worried about how I am going to cope with studies and the new environment and whether I am going to find friends. However, it did not stress me because I knew that everyone is going to be in the same situation as me and that I surely will find people who are already in their second year and that they will help me and provide me with useful information on student and academic life. Bunce and West (1994) found out that while some find these conditions as traumatic and stressful, others (like me) see them as an opportunity for personal growth and role innovation. In addition to that Janssen (2000) suggests that role innovation was “an extremely effective way for someone to improve their fit against increased job demands, either by changing themselves or by generating ideas to modify the work environment.”

Another important role stress factor is role ambiguity. A role is the behaviour that others expect from you; therefore, people experiencing role ambiguity don’t know what others expect from them due to a lack of information. Sources of information could be peers, managers, subordinates and even people from outside of the organisation like customers and suppliers. Role ambiguity can lead to reduced organisational commitment, reduced job satisfaction, increased tension, anxiety and intention to leave the organisation. Role ambiguity is very likely to be experienced by students before exams. Students that lack information (e.g. they did not go to revision sessions, did not work through the specimen paper, didn’t talk to friends and lecturers etc.) will be very unsure about what is expected from them. Personally, I try to find out as much as possible about what is going to be expected from me in the exams in order to be able to prepare myself in the best possible way. Nevertheless, you obviously never know what exactly is going to be asked in the exam so some level of uncertainty remains and this might be a huge stress factor to students. However, every individual has a different perception of stress and not all students need structure, thus some of them can tolerate high levels of ambiguity and like to ‘play by ear’.

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Boundary-spanning roles are stress factors that occur in roles that involve negotiating and sales or even diplomatic service and national representation. It can be stressful because these roles involve taking activities outside of the organisation which means performing a complex task in a changing environment and being exposed to new and unanticipated problems. I personally did not face that problem, but I know a lot of students who are members of student (business) societies where they have to represent their university in front of other universities and businesses. Those students experience stress because it is a huge responsibility and is ...

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