Airflow and Venturi Experiment Report

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Airflow and Venturi Experiment Report

November 29th 2005

Airflow and Venturi Experiment Report 

  1. Abstract

  2. While investigating air flow through a pipe, mass flow rate was to be calculated using two methods. One method was to measure the pressure difference of the flow across a venturi (a narrowing of the pipe) and the other was to measure the pressure at varying radii from the pipe’s centreline to the pipe’s wall using a pitot tube in the flow, with the recordings used to plot a velocity profile graph.

The calculations showed that each of the two methods produce an answer for the mass flow rate that is within 10% of the other, despite the methods being very different in terms of their accuracy, ease and requirement of resources. It was found that for practicality the venturi method of calculating the flow rate was preferred over the pitot method and also that is was the more accurate of the two methods. It was also found that air velocity increases with distance from the pipe walls and decreases with the radius of the pipe.

  1. Contents

Introduction                                                        Page 2

Background and Theory                                        Page 3

Apparatus                                                        Page 6

Raw Results                                                        Page 7

Calculations                                                        Page 8

Analysed Results                                                Page 11

Discussion                                                        Page 14

Conclusions                                                        Page 15

References                                                        Page 16


An experiment was performed in the aerospace laboratory to investigate air flow through a pipe. Air was moved through the pipe at an unknown constant speed using a vacuum pump and the calculation of mass flow rate of the moving air was to be performed by two different methods.

The first method was to measure the pressure difference across a venturi – a narrowing of the pipe. The diameter of the pipe before and after the venturi was known. From this the velocity of the fluid could be calculated from which the mass flow rate can be easily calculated.

The second method was to traverse a pitot tube across the pipe and calculate the pressure difference at varying diameters from the centre of the pipe. From this velocity profile could be constructed, from which the mass flow rate can be calculated.

In both methods a u-tube manometer was used to measure the pressure difference between two points in the tube. It is expected that the mass flow rates calculated by the two methods should be similar, since mass is conserved in the flow. However the venturi method only requires one measurement compared to several for the pitot method, so it is likely that the experiment will show that the venturi method is the more practical of the two.

Background and Theory


This diagram shows the pipe and the locations of the various points referred to in the derivations which follow.

figure 1

The Venturi Method

Bernoulli’s Equation:

P1 + V12 + gz1 = P2 + V22 + gz2

ρair    2             ρair    2                                                                        (eqn. 1)

…where P1 refers to the pressure at a point in the flow before the venturi, and P2 the pressure at a point after the venturi. V1 and V2 are the mean velocities of the air flow at the same points. ρair is the density of air which is an atmospheric observation recorded in the laboratory at the time of the experiment. Z1 and z2 are vertical heights above an arbitrary datum line. To simplify the calculations this datum is taken as the centreline of the pipe, so z1 and z2 can be eliminated from the expression.

22 – V12 = 2 (P1 – P2)

                    ρair                                                                                 (eqn. 2)

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The mass flow rate, ṁ, is constant before and after the venturi by continuity.

ṁ = ρair A1 V1                                                                                        (eqn. 3)

where A1 and A2 are the cross-sectional areas of the tube before and after the venturi.

Since the pipe narrows downstream from the flow source, the velocity downstream at a point after the venturi will increase from a point before it in the inverse ratio as that of the cross sectional areas of the pipe before and after the venturi. Hence the velocity after the venturi V2 is given by:

V2 = A1 * V1                                                                                        (eqn. 4)



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