Measurement of Young's Modulus for plastic bag

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Measurement of Young’s Modulus for plastic bag

Elastic Modulus

An important materials property is termed the tensile elastic modulus, or Young's Modulus. This is usually given the symbol E. Loosely; the modulus is defined as the force you need to provide to elongate your material.

This technique applies for small forces, which do not irreversibly stretch the material. The material is in the elastic regime.


  • Ruler with (Range: 0-100 cm, Sensitivity: 0.1cm)
  • Three types of plastic bag
  • 100g Masses
  • Stand
  • Set square
  • Micrometer (Range: 0-3.5 mm, Sensitivity: 0.01mm)
  • Hoffman clip
  • Cutter
  • Tape


  1. In this experiment, you had to use three type of plastic bag in order to measure their Young’s modulus.
  2. First, cut three strips of each plastic and measure their width, using ruler, and their diameter by using Micrometer.
  3. Then, set up an apparatus to measure the amount of weight that each plastic strip could resist for (Shape 1).
  4. Record the initial place and then add an exact amount of weight, 100gr. Write the amount of displacement for each time and repeat the experiment three times for each plastic. These results could be inaccurate as the instruments might not be as good as they should be.
  5. As preliminary test, I noticed that the maximum weight that I could use was 800 g and after that the plastic bag would tear apart. At the same time, I realised that if the plastic bag breaks, the weights will fall on the table and could damage the table; so I used a piece of cloth to prevent that damage.
  6. In addition, I confront with another problem, while I tried to put the weight for the first 2 experiments; the Haffman clip was sharp enough to cut the plastic bag after just putting the first 100g. In that case I used two pieces of tape to thicken those part, which was going to be between the Hoffman clips and that solve the problem.
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Background information

A plastic is made up principally of a binder together with plasticizers, fillers, pigments, and other additives. The binder gives a plastic its main characteristics and usually its name. Thus, polyvinyl chloride is both the name of a binder and the name of a plastic into which it is made. Binders may be natural materials, e.g., cellulose derivatives, casein, or milk protein, but are more commonly synthetic resins. In either case, the binder materials consist of very long chainlike molecules ...

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