The goal of this lab is to understand the dynamic parameters behind a second order oscillatory system. We will see how different inertias, spring coefficients and damping coefficients will affect the natural frequency and damping ratio of the system

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Ensc 383

Engineering Science 383 - Control Systems Engineering

2nd order Feedback System Design

1         Introduction

The goal of this lab is to understand the dynamic parameters behind a second order oscillatory system. We will see how different inertias, spring coefficients and damping coefficients will affect the natural frequency and damping ratio of the system’s response. This lab will help us in verifying mathematical relationships developed using the data gathered from the ECP Torsional Dynamic System (Model 205a).

2         Determining the Dynamic Parameters of the Dynamic System

Objective of this exercise is to obtain the dynamic parameters that characterize the torsional dynamic system. Dynamic parameters desired include inertias, spring coefficients, and damping coefficients. This can be done by modeling the damped oscillatory movements of the torsional dynamic system into a ‘lightly damped second order system’, in which we can easily find those parameters.

2.1         Mathematical Analysis

Knowing the transfer function of a system tells much about its behavior. It is given that the torsional system can be modeled as a lightly damped second order system with the following equation:

                Eq. 2.1-1

From the Laplace transform of this equation:

                 Eq. 2.1-2

Thus we define the transfer function of the system as:

                Eq. 2.1-3

Note that the general second order transfer function of a system is as follows:

                Eq. 2.1-4

2.1.1         Finding ω, ζ, and b, k, J

The transfer function R(s) is an example of general second order transfer function G(s). Simply comparing the constants in R(s) and G(s) will yield two equations Eq.2.1.1-1 and Eq.2.1.1-2. (Consider kR(s) and G(s) to be equal.)

                Eq. 2.1.1-1                Eq. 2.1.1-2

Once we find appropriate values for ωn and ζ, the above equations will give values for bsystem, k, and J.

2.1.2         Inverse Transform of the System Transfer Function

Some useful relationships pop up when we perform inverse Laplace transform to G(s).


                                                      Eq. 2.1.2-1

                           Eq. 2.1.2-2

By the definition of damped natural frequency, we know that.

When we substitute t0 to G(t) and divide it with G(tn) we get

         .        Eq. 2.1.2-3

Since t0 and tn are chosen at the peak of the graph, where and  reaches its maximum, we can simplify the above equation down to

                Eq. 2.1.2-4

 T0 is the fundamental period for the damped oscillation so . After substituting 2π and applying natural logarithm to the both side of the equation will yield

                Eq. 2.1.2-5

Thus we get

                Eq. 2.1.2-3

where Xn and X0 stands for G(tn) and G(t0) respectively.

2.2        Finding the Natural Frequency and the Damping Ratio

A step input is given to the system by offsetting the plate position by hand and letting go. This procedure is done to all 4 cases labeled d11 (disc 1 loaded), d12 (disc 1 unloaded), d31 (disc 3 loaded), d32 (disc 3 unloaded). The results for disc 3 are shown below, with results of disc 1 being very similar.


Notice that the system response to the input decays exponentially over time while maintaining a constant damped frequency ωd. Information extracted from the graphs is tabulated in Table 2.2-1.

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Table 2.2-1 Information extracted from graphs and data obtained experimentally

n is chosen so that the error is minimized. We used only the first few peaks of the graphs for two reasons. First, there are no peaks when the amplitude gets very close to zero, because the plate stops oscillating when friction is greater than the oscillation force. Second, when amplitude gets small, greater percentage of the encoder’s reading would be composed of error. Thus the reading is taken near the beginning.

2.2.1        Finding the Natural Frequency

By applying basic properties of oscillation,  and , we can obtain the ...

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