Thermal processing of food

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1.0 Introduction

The problem of finding and keeping food from day to day and from season to season necessitated the need to find ways of prolonging its storage life1.  Methods were developed under natural conditions such as drying smoking, salting chilling and freezing for the preservation and storage of food and food products.  With increasing scientific knowledge new methods of preservation have been developed and still newer ones are fast coming into existence.

Some processing methods change the raw material into a different form or change the nature of the product.  A large determinant of this change is the texture of the food-that is the sensation the food imparts to the nerves and muscles in the mouth when it is bitten, chewed and swallowed.  A key factor influencing food texture is food structure.  The basic biochemical components forming the structure of food products consist of the natural materials assembled in relationships that can be altered by the presence of additives, ingredients and processing or handling2.  This sparked studies on the relationship between food texture and processing methods to understand the significance of food structure for optimal food quality.

The most obvious and widespread forms of deterioration are due to microbial attack. Bacteria, yeasts and fungi will compete with man for his food if permitted, and the most elementary forms of preservation have been, without knowledge of their nature, methods of dealing with this problem

This subject looks at the processes that develop the structure of food through cooling and heating. Theoretical aspects of cooling (freezing) and heating (baking) processes will be reviewed as well as the effect of these processes on the structure of food will be discussed.


2.1 Freezing

Freezing is one of the oldest and most widely used methods of food preservation, which allows preservation of taste, texture, and nutritional value in foods better than any other method1. The freezing process is a combination of the effects of low temperatures at which microorganisms cannot grow, chemical reactions are reduced, and cellular metabolic reactions are delayed3.

2.2 The Freezing Process

The freezing process mainly consists of thermodynamic and kinetic factors, which can dominate each other at a particular stage in the freezing process4.  Major thermal events are accompanied by reduction in heat content of the material during the freezing process as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 A schematic illustrating the overall freezing process

During the freezing process pure step goes through a two-step (nucleation and propagation) crystallization process to form ice.  The material to be frozen first cools down to the temperature at which nucleation starts. Before ice can form, a nucleus, or a seed, is required upon which the crystal can grow; the process of producing this seed is defined as nucleation. Once the first crystal appears in the solution, a phase change occurs from liquid to solid with further crystal growth. Therefore, nucleation serves as the initial process of freezing, and can be considered as the critical step that results in a complete phase change5.

There are several methods of food freezing, but regardless the method chosen, the main principle behind all freezing processes is the same in terms of process parameters. The International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) has divided the freezing process into three stages based on major temperature changes in a particular location in the product, as shown in Figures 2 and 3 for pure water and food respectively6. 

Beginning with the pre-freezing stage, the food is subjected to the freezing process until the appearance of the first crystal. For pure water, the freezing temperature will be 0 °C and, up to this temperature, there will be a sub-cooling until ice formation begins. In the case of foods during this stage, the temperature decreases to below freezing temperature and, with the formation of the first ice crystal, increases to freezing temperature. The second stage is the freezing period; a phase change occurs, transforming water into ice. For pure water, temperature at this stage is constant; however, it decreases slightly in foods, due to the increasing concentration of solutes in the unfrozen water portion. The last stage starts when the product temperature reaches the point where most freezable water has been converted to ice, and ends when the temperature is reduced to storage temperature7.

Figure 2. Practical definition of the freezing process for pure water6

Figure 3 Practical definition of the freezing process for foods6 (Mallett, 1993)

2.3 Freezing-point of Foods

Freezing point is defined as the temperature at which the first ice crystal appears and the liquid at that temperature is in equilibrium with the solid6. For pure water this temperature is 0 °C (273°K). However, when food systems are frozen, the process becomes more complex due to the existence of both free and bound water. Bound water does not freeze even at very low temperatures. Unfreezable water contains soluble solids, which cause a decrease in the freezing point of water lower than 0 °C. During the freezing process, the concentration of soluble solids increases in the unfrozen water, resulting in a variation in freezing temperature. Therefore, the temperature at which the first ice crystal appears is commonly regarded as the initial freezing temperature.

2.4 Freezing time

The freezing time is one of the most important parameters in the freezing process, defined as time required to lower product temperature from its initial temperature to a given temperature at its thermal center6. The thermal centre is generally taken as a reference because of the temperature differential within the product during the freezing process6. Freezing time depends on several factors, including the initial and final temperatures of the product and the quantity of heat removed, as well as dimensions (especially thickness) and shape of product, heat transfer process, and temperature7.  

Calculation of freezing time in food systems is difficult in comparison to pure systems since the freezing temperature changes continuously during the process. However, several empirical equations have been developed to calculate the initial freezing temperature of certain foods as a function of their moisture content8.  Plank’s equation (Eq.1) is commonly used for obtaining an approximation of freezing time due to assumptions involved in the calculation. The derivation of the equation starts with the assumption that the product being frozen is initially at freezing temperature. Therefore, the calculated freezing time represents only the freezing period. The equation can be further modified for different geometries including slab, cylinder, and sphere, where for each geometry, the coefficients are arranged in relation to the dimensions as given in Table 19.

Equation 1 - Planks Equation for Freezing Time


where l1 is the latent heat of frozen fraction, k and r are the thermal conductivity and density of the frozen layer, while h is the coefficient of heat transfer by convection to the exterior. Tf denotes the body temperature of the product when introduced into a freezer in which the external temperature is Te .The coefficients R and P given in Table 1 below denotes the geometry of the product frozen. where the letter e denotes the dimension (i.e. for infinite slab geometry, e is thickness of the slab and for infinite cylinder or sphere e is replaced by r which denotes the radius of the clylinder or sphere).

Table 1. Coefficients P and R of Equation 1

 It is suggested that the food is usually at a temperature higher than freezing temperature. The real freezing time should therefore be the sum of time calculated from the equation of Plank and the time needed for the product’s surface to decrease from initial temperature to freezing10.

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 Another attempt to calculate real freezing time (Eq.2), calculates the amount of heat elimination required decreasing a product’s temperature from initial temperature to freezing temperature, as well as the amount of heat released during the phase change and the amount of heat eliminated to reach freezing temperature11.

Equation 2 Nagaoka equation for calculating freezing time

where Ti is the temperature of the food at the initiation of freezing, DH is the difference between the enthalpy of the food at initial temperature and end of freezing. Re and Pl are the dimensionless numbers, while k and h ...

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