Vibration isolation is one of the methods by which engineers combat the problem of harmonic resonance. It is the purpose of this lab to investigate how the resultant force of vibrations acting in a mechanical device may vary

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Dynamics & Control

Vibration Isolation

William Annal

Reg: 200334440


Introduction                                                                                3

Theory                                                                                                3        

Experimental Work:                                                                        5

Procedure                                        5

Measurements                                5

Calculations                                        6

Results                                                6

Discussions & Conclusions                                                        7


        A                                                                9

        B                                                                10


Vibration isolation is one of the methods by which engineers combat the problem of harmonic resonance. It is the purpose of this lab to investigate how the resultant force of vibrations acting in a mechanical device may vary according to the frequency of oscillation that the device is subjected to, and how this relates to the natural frequency of the device.


Harmonic Resonance is the condition under which a mechanical device or structure is subjected to vibratory oscillations, the frequency of which, match the natural frequency of the device or structure. Under such conditions extreme amplitudes of vibration may be achieved and in some circumstances the structure may literally be shaken or shake itself to pieces.

Vibrations of relevance are categorised into three main types; Free or natural vibrations, forced vibrations and self-excited vibrations.

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Free or natural vibrations are a result of random disturbances and remain until they are damped by either the systems own internal or other friction forces. These vibrations depend on the systems own balance between elastic and inertial forces which act during the oscillation. These factors give rise to the property known as the natural frequency. An example of free vibrations would be how a tuning fork will continue to vibrate following a knock.

Forced vibrations occur from externally varying forces and are independent of the balance between elastic and inertial forces which act during the oscillation. But when a ...

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