Gilgamesh vs. Monkey

  When comparing the ancient heroes, Gilgamesh and Monkey, the similarities in both characters are surprising and interesting in nature.  The parallels are interesting because the two stories basically have the same theme but were written on two separate continents during two distinctly different eras, yet the themes of both stories sound very familiar. 

        Gilgamesh is the world’s first superhero and the reader realizes the stories of his fantastic deeds on tablets dating back to around 2000 B.C. The tablets describe Gilgamesh as “two-thirds god and one-third human, is the greatest king on earth and the strongest super-human that ever existed; however, he is young and oppresses his people harshly” (Hooker, 1999)

   Similar to Gilgamesh, Monkey is also described in a super human manner and obtaining various super human skills and abilities. Initially, Monkey is portrayed as a ‘stone monkey’ with astonishing skills. “This stone monkey is an extraordinary creature of boundless energy and “steely eyes” that shoot “golden light.”  It immediately attracts the attention of the divine forces of intelligence, called Thousand-League-Eye and Wind-Knowing-Ears” (Study).  

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In both the story of Gilgamesh and the story of Monkey, each hero travels on a journey that could be known as a journey of life. It is appealing to note that both characters begin their journey by demonstrating the ‘bad’ side of their particular character. Both heroes initially oppress their followers, but as they travel this life journey they both develop into superheroes that help their people rather than oppress them.

Both characters are also seeking fortune and salvation on their journeys, yet the tone of both stories could not be more different. This difference could be mainly ...

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