A renewal of black culture occurred around 1910-1940s. This breaking movement in history was referred to as the Harlem Renaissance.

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A renewal of black culture occurred around 1910-1940s. This breaking movement in history was referred to as the Harlem Renaissance. African Americans thrived in music, theatre, dance, literature, education, and art during this time period. The cause of the Harlem Renaissance included an important migration where thousands of African American people relocated to urban areas primarily up North.  With many rural southerners moving up north, they had an opportunity to achieve more things and be influenced by several insightful African Americans.

During the Harlem Renaissance, the New Negro Movement took place in cities such as: Detroit, Chicago, and Harlem. Harlem, New York, located on the island of Manhattan, was the central point during this time. The Harlem Renaissance helped to redefine how Americans as a whole understood African American culture. Integration between black and white cultures occurred. This movement was also the beginning of black urban society. During this time, many prominent people were involved and noted throughout history.

Two notable leaders during the Harlem Renaissance were W. E. B. Du Bois and Alain Locke. W.E.B Du Bois was all for informing about separation, while Locke was more in touch with informing about integration. These two men both wanted to do something in the African American community to lessen racism, and they wanted to show that African Americans should not have to feel inferior. Both men were philosophers and had different approaches on how they felt about things.

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Alain Locke was an educator, intellect, traveler, mentor, editor, philosopher, and inspirational writer during the Harlem Reinsurances. “Locke termed his philosophy "cultural pluralism" and emphasized the necessity of determining values to guide human conduct and interrelationships” (Harris). One of Locke’s main passions was generating race-building. His philosophies consisted of African subject matter in regards to informing full participation and integration (PowerPoint). One thing I found profound about Locke was that he helped inspire many African Americans in finding where their talent was and embracing their heritage. Locke had an influence on Langston Hughes, and helped guide him to success. Schools ...

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