Matthew Stoltenberg                630-05-0659

        Humanities 1301.006 – “Accuracy in Portrayal of War”

Art and the Experience of War

        Throughout history, artists and authors have tried to allow their audience to experience war and to some extent have been very accurate.  There is however, no truly accurate medium through which the experience of war can be portrayed.  Accurate, as defined by the Merriam-Webster online collegiate dictionary, means free from error and conforming exactly to truth or to a standard.  No human author can write something free from error because a man cannot have absolute knowledge about a particular situation.  Also, because man is not infallible, the author cannot be totally objective in writing about his experience but will include his perspective on the facts.  Accuracy however is not an absolute therefore there are varying degrees of accuracy.  For example, even though it is not totally accurate, one work can be more accurate than another can.  Certain aspects of a work must be examined to determine the varying degree of accuracy which the work posses: things such as the audience of the writer, qualifications of the writer, and intent of the writer.  The question in art therefore become how useful is this piece of art?  For example, if you are doing a research paper in which factual details are important, a poem or a painting are probably not the best art forms to use as examples.  On the other hand, if you are writing about the root causes of war, then poetry or paintings might be of use.  Finally, if you were trying to teach a moral truth, a drama that is not entirely historically accurate might be useful because the author puts certain morals into his main character.  Four genres stand out and need to be examined for their usefulness as well as their accuracy: paintings, drama, memoirs and diaries.

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        The first genre to examine is probably the least accurate, paintings.  The reason that paintings are inaccurate depictions of war is that a painting is painted a long time after the event occurs.  Another reason that paintings are inaccurate is the motivation behind the artist.  In creating the portraits of Napoleon, the artists definitely had exterior motives.  On the one hand, they were being paid by Napoleon to portray him in a positive light.  On the other hand, if they failed to do so, they probably would have been beheaded.  The portraits the artists made portrayed Napoleon as a great ...

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