Compare and contrast Christian and Hindu beliefs about: Life; Death; The Beyond.

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Compare and contrast Christian and Hindu beliefs about: Life; Death; The Beyond.

The Hindu tradition does not have one clear creation story. The Rig Veda a prominent Hindu group have the idea of the hymn of the cosmic man, it explains the values of the society. The story is that creation came from the dismembering of a giant. The Hindus have a hierarchical system made up of different castes. The head of the giant made the highest order of man who are the Priest caste and then the lowest caste is made from the feet -the untouchables. In contrast to this hierarchical idea the Christian tradition believes in equality, the entire human race is equal. This idea can be found Galatians 3:28 when Jesus stated that "there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male or female, for you are all one in Jesus Christ".

Christians believe all life comes from God; life is sacred. We were created with a purpose. God values all life and grants freedom to all people. People have a special relationship with God. The Relationship between Hindus and Brahman is not so personal. God did not just create but continues to hold life in being his creative power is ongoing. The creation accounts show the religious truths about the importance of life and the relationship with God. The second account shows how God breathed life into man, part of God is in man, this part of God is usually referred to as the Soul, though not all Christians find the idea of soul convincing, Hick believes in the self but not in an eternal self. A person is a single entity with the breath of God inside not the idea of the soul. These Christians also deride the idea that the soul goes on to the after life they believe life after death only happens if God chooses to recreate the person in a spiritual body, death is the end of the person.
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Hindu traditions are clear that the rested order is dependent on the sacrifice of the cosmic man. All the elements of the created order have their origin and being in one single act this unifies them and makes them somehow one. They believe each individual embodies Brahman this element is the Atman. The body is not the whole person this is true for both dualist Christians and Hindus, they believe in an eternal part the soul (or Atman in the Hindu tradition), which will live on after they die, it is real but immortal. Hindus see the Atman ...

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