
In what sense, if any, is an emotion a passion?

We have a natural tendency to view emotions as being in opposition to rationality.  If we describe someone as behaving emotionally, we usually mean that they are acting irrationally.  We use terms such as being ‘overcome by emotion’, where a belief or event leaves us feeling so passionately about it that we can feel as though we are not in control of our feelings or actions.  An emotion viewed in this way, can be described as a passion, suggesting that it is an uncontrollable and involuntary occurrence.  Aristotle believed that emotions can be controlled to a certain extent.  To him, passion meant passive.  The commonsensical view of emotions is to view them as involuntary occurrences and as such they are passive, they are something which happen to us, not something we do.  Reason, or thinking on the other hand is something that we do and is therefore, commonly viewed as active.

Aristotle believed that emotions can be controlled to a certain extent.  He held that emotions listen to reason.  A person can either be reasoned out of an emotion, like anger or self-pity, or can reason themselves out of it, by deciding to cheer themselves up when they’re feeling sad etc.  Aristotle felt that emotions are due to beliefs.  If you believe that someone has wronged you, then you feel angry.  If the belief is changed, then the emotion can be changed.  So, if you decide, after more careful consideration of the facts, that in fact, the person has not caused  you any harm, then you will stop feeling angry.  

The Stoics, such as Seneca, on the other hand, disagree with Aristotle.  Seneca held the Stoic view that emotions should be almost entirely eradicated.  He believed that emotions are reasoned judgements and that most emotions are mistaken judgements.  For example, the initial judgement of danger one might make when seeing a spider, causes bodily feelings such as sweaty palms, palpitations and a shaky feeling.  Seneca concedes that this initial reaction cannot be controlled, but for him, this initial judgement is unreasoned and is therefore, not the emotion.  It is the reasoning which comes after the initial judgement, such as recognition that the spider is a poisonous one and this realisation causing the belief that extreme fear would be an appropriate reaction, that is the emotion.  Seneca made this distinction because he believed that most emotions are based on a misjudgement and more careful reasoning, such as discovering that the spider is not in fact poisonous and reasoning that there’s no need to feel fear, can in fact correct the emotion.  He went so far as to suggest that if we do not control them, then our emotions can control our reason.  As he puts it, ‘Once the intellect has been stirred up and shaken out, it becomes the servant of the force which impels it.’  Seneca and the Stoics believed that it is possible to exercise direct and complete control over our emotions.  They can claim this because they assert that an emotion is a reasoned judgement and our reason is under our control.  If this is true, then it means that emotions are not passive at all, they are under our direct control and cannot be described as passions.

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In contrast to Seneca, William James holds that it is impossible to have an emotion without feeling bodily changes and therefore, the set of bodily feelings/changes one has when one is scared is the emotion of fear itself.  James believes that the commonsensical view of an emotion being the cause of bodily feelings, such as happiness causing a smile or a laugh is wrong.  Instead, he asserts that the smile or laugh is the emotion itself; that being aware of these feelings is to be experiencing an emotion, i.e. when I find myself laughing, I am having the emotion of ...

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