Essay on Henry James :"the Portrait of a Lady "

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Essay on Henry James  :”the Portrait of a Lady  “

How James Build the Identity of Isabel through the Book

I will   show how James build the Identity of Isabel through ”the Portrait of a Lady  “and how by doing that, he announces at the same time her mental death. James begins his novel with a situation and a character. He creates a situation ,and then he will  place his characters in it and observes what will happen when a character is confronted with a new situation. It is the case of Isabel in Gardencourt and in Osmond’s garden..

The two gardens described  by James ;Gardencourt and Osmond ‘s  garden (or  Hill-top) illustrate two types of garden : one is fertile, the other sterile. Gardencourt is  described as a loving  ,colourful and beautiful place. It is a symbol of the Touchett’s who are open and listening people. In Gardencourt  nature is described as well arranged and fertile. In this garden many  flowers and seeds are growing . In Gardencourt  there is a  feeling of privacy ,"The front of the house overlooking that portion of the lawn was not the entrance-front; this was in quite another quarter. Privacy here reigned supreme" (p.18). As soon as she arrived in Gardencourt ,Isabel is welcomed by the  dog of the Touchetts.It  gives right away a pleasant feeling to the reader . Gardencourt   is described in positive term  compared to Osmond's  house. Each house is personified. For instance, Gardencourt has "A long gabled front of redbrick, with the complexion of which time and the weather had played all sorts of pictorial tricks."(p.20) This house is painted in  red ,the colour of life and dynamism. Gardencourt  personality is lively, dynamic and idyllic. Gardencourt fertile, well-arranged garden welcomes Isabel in the same way that the family welcomes her. On the contrary, Hill-top’s garden is a disorganised : it is a  “narrow parcel where roses grow up in a disorganised manner”(p.217) so we already have a feeling of confinement and confusion .The garden of Osmond is closed to the world, separated by a  wall. Osmond's house is “on the top of a hill.” (p.217) .Also  in his house the windows are closed to the world ,“But their function seemed less to offer communication to the world than to defy the world to look in."(p.196. ) . The place, like it's owner ,is far away from society. James implies a strong correlation between a person's character and the environment of his home.  The way that leads to Hill-top reaches a "crooked" place, meaning that it is not easy to reach Hill-top. Our first impression of  Osmond's house  is threatening . Also the house of Osmond seems prison-like to Isabel. When she came for the first time, she think “ It will require a force of will for a person to get out “(p.197) .When Osmond and Isabel walk in the garden Isabel feels confined.    

            The two gardens  could represent two opposites sides : paradise  and hell. Isabel compares Osmond to the serpent of the garden of Eden. "His egotism lay hidden like a serpent in a Bank of flowers." (p.360) .The serpent is the initiator of evil  in the it is  Osmond  who is the devilish person . Another contrast is that ”Gardencourt stood upon a low hill, above the river”. (p.18)  so, it is easily reachable . There is a river close by, and it is a fertile garden ,so it might represent paradise. The fact that Isabel described Gardencourt   as a « sacred » place  underlines  this idea.Thus, James gives us many hints ,of what might happen to Isabel if she chooses the environment that confines her. It is as if Isabel chooses between freedom and prison, heaven and hell, truth and duplicity.

                    Then James enlarges the landscape and focuses on Osmond's villa which  is  personified She seems to wear a mask like its owner .

This antique, solid weather-worn, yet imposing front had a somewhat incommunicative character. It was a mask, not the face of the house. It had heavy lids, but no eyes; the house in  reality looked another way – looked off behind, into splendid openness and the range of the afternoon light (p.195)

It is interesting to see that the motif of the duplicity and of the mask  present in Hill-top ,is absent in Gardencourt .The motif of the duplicity announces us that there is a hidden face in Osmond. The fact that Osmond is wearing a mask  tells the reader that he must hide something .Maybe there is a good and bad  part in his person .Not only the person is threatening but also Osmond's villa and the entire city of Rome that is described as a tragic place.  In the portrait of the lady James described Rome as a place of ruins ,symbolising  decadence and sadness. Also in the film Rome is associated with images of death ,such as the couple in the sarcophage..We can see that from the first chapter, the tone is set. Every incident functions to tell us more about  a character or a situation. By the description of the environment James prepares us for the drama to come.  

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After setting the stage ,James examines his character showing again a discomfort. One can compares Isabel to a flower. Like the flower that needs water and sun to grow, Isabel   needs love and attention to bloom. In Gardencourt Isabel can grow because she is nurtured  by loving parents and by her many suitors. She lives in a fertile garden where she can grow up easily. She has the food to develop her personality, one gives her the money to realise her wishes. She is blooming . Also  her mind is blooming and her overactive imagination reflects that. But her ...

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