Examine the emergence of 'urban African Culture'

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Examine the Emergence of Urban African Culture

Throughout the twentieth century, the migration of a large proportion of South Africa’s population from rural ‘homelands’ into the colony’s rapidly expanding urban centres is an historical phenomenon that largely shaped the country’s social structure and had a profound effect on the family and gender ideologies held by the South African people. Black migration to the cities had been taking place as early as the 1850s, but with the development of the migrant labour system and the detrimental effects this had on many rural familial structures, as well as a variety of other factors, the 1930s and 1940s witnessed the movement of African people and their subsequent urbanisation on a far larger scale.[1] This surge of immigration was marked by a distinctive feature that caused both black tribal chiefs and white colonial administrators considerable worry and which, given the patriarchal nature of South African society, has attracted much scholarly attention; the dominance of females amongst the immigrant population. By 1951, the number of black females living in the towns had more than tripled since 1921, with more than twenty-one percent of all African females living in urban areas, and the urbanisation of black females was taking place much more rapidly than that of males.[2] The subordinate position held by women in South African society hence came under change during this period, with the imposition of Westernised gender ideologies, especially through schooling and the presence of white European missionaries, growing ever stronger in the towns.[3] With such large numbers of African people opting for an urban way of life, it is inevitable that a distinct urban African culture emerged, and the preponderance of females among this newly urbanised population of course played a significant role in shaping that culture. It is on this specifically female African urban culture that this essay shall focus, though given the complexity of women’s position in South African society and the added dimension of racial tensions, it is first important to consider how the experiences of African women correspond to those of their white counterparts.

Described by Bozzoli as a ‘patchwork quilt of patriarchies,’ gender relations in South Africa varied between different communities, with the extent of women’s oppression depending on the colour of their skin.[4] While white women were undoubtedly in an advantageous position, the benefit of white supremacy was unable to lift the hardship of living in a strongly sexist and male dominated society. Those who made the decision to venture beyond their prescribed role of domesticity were to find that the wider world was as closed to the white woman as it was to the black, with a long established tradition of male privilege dominating and protecting almost all avenues of labour. In this instance, many white women who made the move to the towns in search of greater economic opportunities were lead in similar directions to those of black women; prostitution and domestic service.[5] By the 1930s, however, due to the fact that Boer families had been entering the towns from an earlier date, and of course through the aid of their race, white working class women did come to dominate some low-status industries, such as garment making and textile industries.[6] Another way in which white women managed to alleviate their status within this highly sexist society was through the employment of black males, and later black females, as domestic servants. The majority of white families were able to afford this luxury, due to both their unfair advantage in the labour market and the pitiful wages they were able to pay young blacks desperate to find work. Through the employment of domestic servants white women were granted a certain status; they were now managing the domestic labour as oppose to performing it. This victory, however, was at the expense of the subordination of black men and women, and it is clear in this sense that the colour divide’s strength succeeded in cutting through any notion of common womanhood.[7] In the opinion of Hilda Bernstein, a white political activist who fought against the apartheid system and the oppression of women in South Africa from the late 1920s onwards, ‘most white women support or actively help to perpetrate the apartheid system which gives them privileges and benefits at the expense of the black majority,’[8] and so it is clear that racist attitudes were just as potent as sexist ones in twentieth century South Africa.

The position of black women was, of course, far worse. Black women in South Africa suffered first and foremost because of their race, but their triple oppression also hinged on their sex and their class. This subordinate position was subject to dramatic changes within colonial South Africa, with European missionaries taking a particularly hostile stance towards women’s place in pre-colonial tribal society. Practices such as polygamy and lobola (birdewealth) were seen to degrade African women to a position that bordered on slavery, and so European missionaries went about imposing an ideology of black female domesticity that was strongly based on Westernised gender roles.[9] Given the aggressive, masculine tones prevalent in Victorian culture at this time, however, changes in gender ideology proved to have equally detrimental effects on the status of black women. The imposition of Westernised gender ideologies caused strong tensions and contradictions between women’s dominant reproductive role and the new economic demands and opportunities being presented to them, which in turn put strain on traditional institutions such as family and marriage.[10] Whether living in traditionalist tribal societies or in towns heavily influenced by the colonial presence, then, African women suffered severe disabilities as a result of their gender and race. Their lives were also plagued with both physical and sexual violence, exacerbated by the double standard of colonial sexual morality, which saw white women as in need of protection from the illegitimate advances of men, while black women were regarded as ready prey by their white, male masters.[11] Thus when they entered the towns in ever growing numbers from the 1930s onwards, they entered an increasingly hostile, prejudice environment that in many ways was worse than their subordination in traditional African societies.

Given the hostility faced by black women who migrated to the towns and the severe punishments they faced if caught by their male superiors, some explanation must be given as to why they uprooted in their thousands for a new urban way of life. The migrant labour system, imposed and maintained by colonial administrators, and the dispossession and subsequent impoverishment of rural communities are commonly cited as the central causal factors in the mass urbanisation of African women.[12] Described by Bernstein as making a ‘mockery of family life,’ the migrant labour system placed considerable strain on the traditional rural way of life, exerting much pressure on marriage and homestead organisation, which in turn encouraged subordinate females to challenge the male authority imposed upon them.[13] In many instances this affected the women in a positive way by helping them to shake off male oppression and ‘escape’ to the towns for a more independent way of life. In other cases, however, the migrant labour system had a negative impact, forcing the women out of their homes to go in search of absent husbands and subsistence. Expeditions such as this often ended in failure, and those who did manage to find their husbands were often rejected by them anyhow. Faced with the prospect of destitution many women abandoned in this way decided to take root and make a living for themselves through petty-trading, beer brewing or prostitution.[14] It was not only hardships resulting from the colonial presence in South Africa that contributed towards the migration of women, however, as certain aspects of traditional rural life also affected their decisions to migrate. Women often migrated simply to escape the violence of their rural marriages, many having tried ho ngala (absconding back to their own family) but having been forced to return to abusive husbands by their own families.[15] Rising levels of bridewealth in many rural areas also contributed to the migration of women, as men who could not afford to pay lobola increasingly began to abduct the women they wished to marry and elope with them instead. Elopement commonly resulted in the abandonment of women, who having run away from their rural home often had little option but to travel to the towns with the hope of making a living.[16] Polygamy was also a contributory factor, with many of the married women who chose to migrate being junior or co-wives in polygynous households.[17] Aside from all of the ‘push’ factors, there were also a number of ‘pull’ factors which attracted women to the towns, and which show that women were not solely driven by a desire to escape from the control of their ‘homeboys.’[18] Not only was town life seen as an appealing alternative in the face of oppressive social relations and deteriorating economic conditions in the rural reserves, but the prospect of an independent income and relative social freedom proved very tempting to a great number of African females.[19] Female headed households became relatively common in a number of urban centres, and many women were able to exercise control over their sexual experiences. Through engagement in the informal sector, women who moved to the towns were able to make a living for themselves, helping them to secure an independent way of life relatively free from dependence on men.[20] This increased independent was central to the female African urban culture that developed during the middle decades of the twentieth century, and thus African women’s position within the towns must now be addressed.

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The historiography surrounding the position of African women in the towns is to some extent contradictory, with some historians arguing that town women’s lives were ruled by a pervasive vulnerability and the constant threat or reality of rape, harassment, theft and brutal attacks, making them nothing more but ‘passive victims,’[21] while others argue that moving to the town gave women a marked independence and the ability to assert control over their social and sexual lives.[22] It is clear, however, that in these unfamiliar territories, the seemingly contradictory traits of vulnerability and independence could easily go hand in hand, but also that ...

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