Explain Briefly the reference to the congress of Paris - source based questions

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aPlombieres source work

Explain Briefly the reference to the congress of Paris

The Crimean war was fought between Russia and Turkey. However several countries came to aid the war effort. However France and Britain joined the war on the side of Turkey. The war was one by Turkey only due to the fact that Austria didn’t intervene. This led to the congress of Paris. The congress had significance in different ways for different parties taking part.

Napoleon suggested that he and Cavour meet at Plombieres to discuss the future of the piedmont, Cavour’s presence however was not that important to the congress itself. The place Cavour had one for Piedmont was symbolic as it was his place among the “super – powers”. Cavour who had a place at the conferences as Piedmonts representative, failed in his suggestion that his country should receive the duchies of Parma and Modena, whose rulers would be given Moldavia and Wallachia in compensation, but he was able to speak at the conference about the situation in Italy and had the satisfaction of hearing Palmerton denounce Austria’s rule over her subject people though he was over optimistic enough to believe this meant that Britain would help the Italian cause.

What information can be inferred from he source about the difficulties surrounding negotiation with Napoleon?

The source has a lot of information regarding the relationship between Cavour and Napoleon. As it is Napoleon who initiated the meeting he has the upper hand as far as discussion is concerned. Cavour’s willingness to participate in the meeting shows Napoleon that Cavour is the one with the most to gain therefore he is unable to risk taking control of the situation.

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Cavour’s main difficulty in the meeting is finding a plausible reason to start war with Austria.  Napoleon did not make this easy for Cavour; Cavour suggested ways in which a war with Austria may be sought yet Napoleon is quick to dismiss these plans as “petty”.  Napoleon’s fears of disapproval from the rest of Europe are clearly visible. If he were to attack Austria at the side of Piedmont without plausible reason Austria’s allies would be quick to intervene. (Russia and Prussia arming troops).

Cavour is unlikely to complete this task on his own therefore Napoleon has the upper ...

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