God Of Small Things - Significance of the title.

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God Of Small Things. Significance of the title

The title is significant in many ways. It summarizes the niche assigned for Velutha in the novel. He was the God of Small Things. Everything that concerns him is small, he makes tiny toys and he is in love with Ammu, whom he calls little (p.74).

Roy describes him as perfect. He is a good carpenter and he is strong, he is well-educated. But it is all good for a Paravan. These are all small things as they still didn’t help him to change his class. Whatever he does he is still considered as a Paravan. He is accepted by Ipes only as long is he is useful. So it is impossible for him to cross the boundary between classes and that is why all the things he does and all he can do are small, i.e. they cannot help him solve his problem (p.338). That is why the title God of Small Things is significant as it not only emphasizes the problem of Velutha but the political situation in India in general.

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Another way of looking at it is also that although Velutha is a God Of Small Things he made Big Things happen. He was the god of small lives, lives of the Ipes as they were all in different ways affected by him. This also emphasizes the fact that Indian people struggle to assert their own identities after Independence. It is making Big Things out of Small Things.  

God Of Small Things is also depicted as someone who can do only one thing at a time, the God Of Loss. That is how Ammu imagines Velutha in ...

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