Queen Elizabeth 1st on Religion.

This document is a first hand document : it’s actually a letter sent by Queen Elisabeth to some English bishops. Thus, it reflects her intention in matter of religious policy at the beginning of the her reign in 1558. Indeed, she inherited the situation left by her half-sister  Mary : she had to make an short-term choice, either to stay in a Catholic Nation, or to restore Supremacy, in other words, follow or not Mary’s policies.

In 1559, several bishops of the Church of England asked Elisabeth for a meeting : they wanted to Continue Mary’s pro catholic policies, and claimed Henry the 8th had been quarrelled with the Pope because of the influence of heretics. Her answer “as to your entreaty for us to listen to you we wave it” (line 1) is the proof that she is not about to renounce Supremacy, or create a Catholic Nation under direct control of Rome domination. This letter is then the basis of her policy followed intensely throughout her forty-five year long reign.

This document is basically composed of two distinct paragraphs, one dealing with a remote period in English history, namely the very introduction of Christianity in England, and the other one dealing with a much more recent period, i.e. the break with Rome allegiance, and Henry 8, Edward 6, and Mary’s respective reigns.

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The Queen in her letter is addressing the bishops, and plays on the constant contrast between the pronouns “your” and “our” : “our realm x 4 ; your church; your own Romish idolatry”,  implying that the bishops belong to a different church and even a different universe than her and her loyal subject, though they are members of the clergy of the Church of England. As a result, she is depicting the defenders of the Church of Rome as a foreign power. Indeed, according to her, the authority of the church of Rome have never been legitimate, but it was imposed to the English people against native tradition of England. The proof is, she refers to the early history of Christianity in England :

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“ ..your own Romish idolatry maketh you liars; witness the ancient monuments of gildas unto which both foreign and domestic have gone in pilgrimage there to offer. This author testified Joseph of Arimathea to be the first preacher of the word of God within our realms. Long after that, when Austin came from Rome, this our realm had bishops and priests therein, as is well known to the learned of our realm by woeful experience, how your church entered therein by blood…”

She refers to Austin – aka Augustine – the missionary sent by Pope Gregory the great to evangelised ...

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