The fundamental cause of the Cold war was the clash of ideologies between the superpowers, Discuss

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KHALIFA  S  ALMAZROUEI                                                            102 INT

Q. The fundamental cause of the Cold war was the clash of ideologies between the superpowers, Discuss

In this essay I would like to highlight my understanding for the causes of the cold war. In fact, "the cold war" called in that name because of the struggle which is followed the World War II between superpowers: US & USSR. Both of sides work hard to widen their potency and narrowed the conflict, but it found overlap in it, which raise the stress and the struggle. The struggle lengthened from the end of the of second world war, middle of 1940s to the end of 1980s in 20th century, and the result was USSR collapsed in 1991, end of the cold war. The aim of this essay is to draw the attention to the people who don’t aware that the fundamental cause of the cold war was a clash of ideologies between the superpowers, because of increased the radices of ideologies of this war and many historians negotiate for the causes. First of all, I started with the structure of the cold war (the origins of the cold war). During this section I argued that why the conflict started?, and who was the inciter? to be the introduction of the causes. Secondly, I would be deeper to prove the cause, so I would argue about some schools of thought, the orthodox or traditionalist thinkers who blamed the Soviet for the confrontation and give some historians views to prove this school. Thirdly, another school declared (revisionist people) who thought that the cause was US because of the Soviet looses which the Soviet suffered during the war. In addition, I analyzed some historian’s suggestions for Truman. Forth point and final school (post-revisionist people) and they thought that both of sides played part in the escalation of the conflict. Finally, I would give my typical answer for the question and prove my ideas which I reached to the actual cause of the cold war.

The understanding of the origins, or fundamental causes, of the Cold War has caused more discussions than any war in history. The question is why the conflict was initiated, and who the inciter or aggressor was actively since the pressure between the United States and the USSR that became known as the Cold War. The Cold War between the superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union was a clash of ideologies. The touch between the two developed on many occasions as either side attempted to expand their fields of influence in politics, geographical surrounding, and space. Continued the clashes between the US and Soviet Union began to tense their relations during this decade. Meanwhile, the aggressive on both sides lead to the Cold War; America was in power economically and militarily. This allowed them to be tough with the Russians, that is making more doubt against America. United States in a large extent is to blame for the outbreak of the Cold War. Relations between the two powers got worse during and after World War II, and American hostility is to blame. Each side claims that the other was the true aggressor, and that they were only defending their respective national security interests from the instigator's hostile. Western countries wanted the liberated states of Eastern Europe to be ruled with a democratic government and a capitalist economy. On the other hand, Stalin felt entitled to rule the Eastern European countries it occupied in World War II. Stalin wanted these countries to be used as a buffer to protect USSR boarders. Communist governments in these Eastern European countries would be under the control of the USSR, thereby protecting it. According to this view “the failure of the anti-communists on the Western side to avoid complete involvement in the U.S.- dominated military alliance (except for General de Gaulle in France); and the failure of those on the Eastern side of the divide to escape complete subordination to Moscow (except for Marchal Tito I Yugoslavia)”(Hobsbawn, 1994 p.236)(1). I think Russian, ready to attack Berlin, but the Yalta conference 1945 could determine the war’s end. The purpose of the Yalta Conference was to re-establish the countries destroyed and conquered by Germany.

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The issue was covered by propaganda that it has led to the development of several schools of thought. All these perspectives make valid arguments, but none can provide a definitive answer on its own. The several schools of thought are the orthodox or traditional, the revisionist, and the post revisionist which are going in deeply in next points.

The first school Allocate of blame that the Soviets were to blame!   This view for the first school which is orthodox or traditional of the Cold War has never really gone away, and there have always been people who have seen ...

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