Theories of life after death do not provide a solution for the problem of evil. Discuss.

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ESSAY 3: Theories of life after death do not provide a solution for the problem of evil. Discuss.

The problem of evil is the umbrella term to present the argument against the belief in the existence of a God, offered by non-believers to the believers in God. It is the questions of how an all-powerful, all loving and all knowing God, taken from the traditional Judaic- Christian teachings, can let His creation suffer the effects and consequences of evil.

Theodicies also exist such as the Augustinian and Ireaenian, which are very different in their approach to this problem of evil, to explain why evil exists, both natural and moral. Augustinian theodicy promotes the ideologies from the traditional teachings of the Church and is based on the story of Genesis, and the rise and fall of angels and humans. Augustine did not say that angels and humans were evil to begin with, as that would mean that God produced evil beings, but they turned to lesser goods. For Augustine, evil is privation of goodness, resulting in sin- moral evil. Therefore, he describes the natural evil, as the loss of balance in the world due to sin and is rectification of moral sin. Then Augustine continues and develops the ideas of heaven and hell, and how moral wrong is corrected there too.

The next theodicy, known as the Ireanean theodicy, is the belief that humans are working towards perfection, just like the earth, and was not born in perfection like the teachings dictate. Even though this goes against the traditional understanding of God and creation, the Irenean theodicy firmly hold that perception that God made us in His image, such as we are, and that we are working towards His likeness.  In order for us to do such, He gave us free will. This explains moral evil. The theodicy explains natural evil as the trails for character building. Again, heaven is used in this theory to solve the problem of evil; everyone receives universal salvation.      

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The belief in heaven and hell, are theories of life after death. Both of them are used to give solutions for the problem of moral evil. Hell, is the place of eternal punishment for those whose earthly lives where morally wrong, there is no escape from hell. Believers, in God, especially those who believe is the God of classical theism, hell, can be the solution for the problem of evil. It can be maintained that, those who are the wrongdoers, in this lifetime, are destined to be in hell, to pay for their sins for all eternity. It seems to ...

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