"All inchoate offences should be abolished on the theory that society is not harmed until the crime is completed" - Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the above proposition.

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"All inchoate offences should be abolished on the theory that society is not harmed until the crime is completed"

Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the above proposition using examples drawn from any of the inchoate offences of incitement, conspiracy and attempt.

'All inchoate offences should be abolished on the theory that society is not harmed until the crime is completed', during this essay I shall critically evaluate this statement, using examples from the inchoate offences of incitement, conspiracy and attempt.

The definition of Inchoate offences, are the incomplete offences. I shall first explain the actus reus and the mens rea required for all the inchoate offences. The actus reus of conspiracy is the agreement with another or others that a course of conduct will be pursued, which if carried out by their instructions, will lead to an offence. The mens rea of conspiracy is intention, although in Anderson 1986 the House of Lords decided that the defendant was to be found guilty even when intention was not established. The actus reus of incitement is when the offender urges, suggests, persuades, etc. another to commit a crime. The mens rea of incitement is again intention, this intention is to bring about the required result. The actus reus of attempts exists when a party does an act, which is more than merely preparatory. Once again intention is the mens rea needed with attempts, as with all other inchoate offences.
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Conspiracy is when an agreement is made between at least two parties. If conspiracy were to be abolished, then using the case of Chrastney 1991, where the defendant tried to argue that she had only discussed with her husband the matter of supplying class A drugs, whereas she had really known that other conspirators had been involved in the plan, then she would not have been convicted. People agree that conspiracy should not be used as an offence, as no one is being harmed by the parties conspiracy. The weaknesses arising in the statement that conspiracy should be ...

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A weak three stars, in view of my comments above.