"Critically discuss the role and importance of international commercial arbitration as an alternative dispute settlement mechanism in international trade today."

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Subject: “Critically discuss the role and importance of international commercial arbitration as an alternative dispute settlement mechanism in international trade today.”


Dealing with the role and importance of international arbitration as an alternative dispute settlement mechanism in international trade today raises two questions. First of all, the question of the “role” of international arbitration implies the following set of questions: Why arbitrate, in the sense of how can it be a better way of solving a commercial dispute than going before the court ? In other words, how does the arbitration make the dispute resolution between the given parties easier ? And what are the attractive attributes of international commercial arbitration ?

As for the “importance”, it is directly linked to the role of international arbitration through the enforceability of awards or judgments. Indeed, the international scope of arbitration depends on the willingness of the parties to favour this alternative dispute resolution and as a consequence, relies on the network of international arbitration treaties and “pro-arbitration” legislation around the world. No one would adopt such a settlement mechanism unless it  could be recognised and enforced in its own country.

Almost every international commercial controversy poses a critical preliminary question : "Where, and by whom, will this dispute be decided?". Imagine you are a Canadian registered company and you have entered into a transaction with a French distributor for a delivery in Rotterdam payable to an English bank; Which courts have juridiction in case of a dispute and which is the applicable law of the contract ?

Moreover, there are other reasons why a dispute can have materially different outcomes in different juridictions. Procedural, substantive, and other legal rules that differ from one country to another. The character, competence, and even integrity of tribunals also vary substantially among different juridictions.To avoid these tricky considerations, parties to international contracts often include contractual dispute resolution provisions in their agreements. These provisions significantly reduce the uncertainties inherent in international commercial disputes, and can offer a substantial measure of partisan advantage. As a consequence, it is almost always advisable to include a contractual dispute resolution provision in any international contract, especially an arbitration agreement. Let’s define it.

I The role of international commercial arbitration : functions served and advantages

There is no standard definition to the term “international arbitration”. Briefly stated, international commercial arbitration is a means for definitively resolving a dispute (a definitive and binding award), pursuant to the parties’ voluntary agreement, through the appointment by parties adopting an adversarial stance of one or more disinterested, non-governmental decision-makers (“arbitrators”) who will decide on the matters in dispute.

From the definition above, it seems there are five main reasons to the question “why arbitrate?”

First of all, ICA offers predictability as a forum (who knows which court you may end up in). The possibility of a legal dispute arising is never absent in international trade transactions. In spite of the preparation of an accurate contract of sale, any reasonable exporter has to contemplate acting against a buyer who is in breach of contract. An arbitration clause in the original contract or an arbitration agreement subsequent to the conclusion of the original contract reduces the uncertainties inherent in international commercial disputes. Indeed, ICA enables both parties to look for a favorable juridiction for the resolution of futures disputes. The parties set up the arbitration as a consensual processus and therefore have the power (there are sometimes limitations: the Swedish law or some matters which cannot be subject to arbitration) to specify for themselves what rules should govern their contractual relationship. The parties may decide the identity of the country and the court in which a dispute may be heard and the procedural and substantive rules to be applied. Both the procedural and applicable law to the underlying of the contract and the arbitration agreement may be expressly nominated by the parties and therefore reduce the uncertainty about the resolution of the dispute.

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We can add that, even if a party cannot obtain agreement on its preferred juridiction, it can at least preclude litigation in highly undesirable forums. ICA can be ad hoc which involves selection by the parties of the arbitrators and rules governing the arbitration or institutional which involves selection of a specific arbitration center (International Chamber of Commerce, the American Arbitration Association, or the London Court of International Arbitration, ...) often accompanied by its own rules. Either course reduce the risk that one party would be required to defend in an undesirable forum and enhance a neutral resolution of ...

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